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Notes on
Drug Law in the United Arab Emirates (UAE)
1.0 Jan 2007
The following are collected notes about drug laws and are not intended to be definitive.
  • Comments from Erowid Visitors
    One Erowid visitor writes: "In Dubai, in the United Arab Emirates, they have zero tolerance, with 25 years for dealing anyything from weed to heroin and a fine of up to Dhs 450,000 (about $123,000 or £65,000). If you are unable to pay the fine you will serve 35 years. For possession or use, 4 years, even if you were not in the country at the time and have been caught by a positive blood test. After the sentence is served you will be deported. In Abu Dhabi the death sentence applies for dealing, whereas in Sharjah the sentences are the same and combined with lashes." (Thanks ck)