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Seeing the Code of the Universe
Citation:   lowkey_add1ct. "Seeing the Code of the Universe: An Experience with 1cP-LSD & DXM (exp115865)". Dec 6, 2023.

T+ 0:00
450 ug oral 1cP-LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 4:30 270 mg oral DXM (pill / tablet)
I had an acid trip which didn’t have super strong visuals, decided to add in some dxm to bump things up a bit, ended up seeing a bunch of images flying at me, an alien language, what I perceived as the code to the universe, and bits and pieces of other realities. The body high was uncomfortable and I felt like my body was in danger, and I felt brain dead and completely empty in the head. Looking back on this two days later I’m surprised I feel as normal as I do, not really any lingering effects today.

12:00 - Dropped 3 tabs of 150ug 1cp-lsd.

12:42 - Maybe feeling some energy and excitement but it could definitely be placebo.

1250- Little bit of a warm tingly feeling in the body.

1257- Smiley vibes.

1324- Still not feeling much. I feel good but no visuals.

1330- It’s coming on strong, I feel great.

1352- I didn’t realize how retarded I was until I went to get some orange juice. I cannot fucking function. This shit is hype.

1426- I feel fucking fantastic I can’t get enough of this body high. It feels so good. I forgot how euphoric this drug was.

1440- Something just happened to the high. I don't know if I got higher or came down.

1459- Definitely off of the peak by now, seems like at least. I might have to take more next time. The visuals were not anywhere near what I wanted.

1624- I forgot I was doing a trip report. Just took 150mg dxm.

1648- Just dosed 60mg dxm, so 210 total from robotabs.

1706- Dosed another 60mg, total is 270.

1728- I’m not a huge fan of this combo, the dxm and the acid kinda do opposites and it’s causing some dysphoria.

1759- This was a terrible idea. Never gonna mix lsd and dxm again. I feel really sick and out of it.

1806- This kinda reminds me of weed and psychedelics, very weird and unpleasant. I’m starting to sober up a little bit.

1808- Not very pleasant. Again, still sobering up.

1814- I’m feeling better now, still wish I didn’t do this but enjoying myself or at least trying to.

1815- I think I just came down a lot.

1819- I don’t want to be high. I just want to sleep. I’m not having a terrible time though.

18:24- I feel like writing but I don’t have much to write down. I can’t really think straight. I felt like a spacebar like on a keyboard.

1831- Just came down a lot again.

1841- Coming down more.

1849- Progressively coming down more,

1853- Just had visuals that were exactly like if I was in Star Trek. I think I don't know the episode when the guy is underground.

1856- I really just want to go to sleep.

1903- This reminds me of the mountains in a lot of ways. I kinda have to go to the bathroom soon.

1917- Went to the bathroom fine, could walk and everything.

1920- This is definitely an experience.

1931- The high just got really good strangely. I don't know how else to describe it.

1936- The high just changed again. It felt like the acid body high was back.

1957- Just noticed another come down type thing.

2014- This is a different kinda trip the time dilation is crazy. Feels like a lot has happened today.

2040- Coming down more. I feel weirdly sober.

2049- Coming down more. Feel more in control.

2113 - More dxm than acid now, settling into the new headspace and everything.

2223- The high felt liminal.

Fell asleep at around midnight. Everything below are things that I’m writing about the next day, as I was too high to write this down during the experience.

When the dxm started to kick in strong and I was laying down the seeing visuals that seemed stupid to me, they seemed pointless and goofy, with dark connotations. I saw mountains and the characters (letters) from earlier were much more distinct.

When I was sitting on my bed I saw my body being put into an ambulance before I threw up. It felt like I was getting to close to what happened on the mountains, where it felt like I was approaching an extreme event, which in the mountains was when I fell and “died”. The body high was very intense and hot at this point. And having a sip of water made me feel like I would vomit. I felt fear about my actual death.

I saw a circle of figures, which I believe were horoscope signs and planetarium signs, all different colors, in some ceremonial looking circle. I also saw the Star of David and other religious symbols frequently. These shapes shifted into other geometry.

I was on the ground, after throwing up slightly, and the lights around the blacked out window made me think that the window was open. I felt like the open window was shining upon me, like being in some religious place as the light shined down through stained glass. I felt like I was outside even though I was in my dorm.

I saw myself becoming a spacebar as I closed my eyes, I was selling a kid adderall. I saw the spacebar in a bright field in the og windows background field. I saw Aztec characters everywhere, in long strings on squares or other geometry. I remember seeing Mongolians raiding a village, it was a moving picture that showed them riding animals. The art style resembled cave drawings. I saw something in nature, red organisms were moving from one thing to the next.

Closing my eyes and I saw different frames of images shooting in front of my eyes, showing me so many things, so much information and ideas and nature and civilizations and people and bits of life here and far away. I saw a jungle with geometry all over the leaves and plants, like some psychedelic art/ worlds. I was trying to think about words and it was impossible to type my thoughts out because I would forget very quickly. I saw myself behind a computer. I was looking at the computer screen and controlling things, seeing strings of information on the language that I continued to see throughout this trip.

The visuals were similar to the dxm visuals where I close my eyes and am almost dreaming. But with this trip the visuals were much more psychedelic and I had some visuals that I’ve had on weed before. The language that I was seeing was incredible, as well as seeing a lot of nature and civilizations, like seeing bits and pieces of all of what exists and doesn’t exist. Like interdimensional cable constantly going through all the channels really fast, and showing more nature.

I was seeing the computer and what appeared to be the code of the universe, as if everything was created by a code. I visualized all of the attributes that make me who I am in numerical form. I saw everything in this world being controlled via sliders.
I was seeing the computer and what appeared to be the code of the universe, as if everything was created by a code. I visualized all of the attributes that make me who I am in numerical form. I saw everything in this world being controlled via sliders.
It looked similar to the minecraft extra settings tab when starting a new world. All of these were controlling the amount of each thing that made the world what it was and that made me who I am. This and the characters I kept seeing showed the code for the entire universe, and everything that it is made up of.

When I saw myself being put in an ambulance I felt an intense fear of death and realized one of my greatest fears is that there is no afterlife and everything I exist for will end. I saw gross imagery when I was experiencing nausea, although it didn’t really feel like nausea I was just uncomfortable and dysphoric from it. I remember seeing ugly people and monsters and vomit. Later, there was strange sexual imagery, which wasn’t pleasant to me but was instead more revolting.

Throughout the experience I would forget what I was just “doing”, meaning I would forget what I was seeing or what I was thinking. Usually I would move my head and notice this. I frequently felt like I was stuck in loops during parts of the trip. At times my brain felt completely empty and I had no thoughts, I was kind of just existing in some other desolate world. Time also seemed to move much faster, which was strange.

I had frequent paranoid delusions during this trip, feeling that everyone was against me, or that the kid I was selling adderall to was going to rob me, or that one of my friends was a fed and was going to bust me. I locked my door and checked repeatedly if it was locked. I felt distrusting towards everyone and felt I had to rely on myself because everyone else was going to betray me.

Towards the end of the trip, near when I fell asleep, my teeth started chattering like I was on mdma, but I was able to relax them after a bit. I remember switching back and forth from listening to music and just laying in my bed, very out of it, thinking nothing and being halfway asleep. Time moved very fast during this time. Walking to the bathroom made me very paranoid because I would see people and I was probably walking pretty weird I was extremely fucked up. In the bathroom I would often forget which stall I was in and when I got out I would forget which direction was out.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115865
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 6, 2023Views: 47
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