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Not Worth Snorting
Citation:   imlonly. "Not Worth Snorting: An Experience with Caffeine (exp115950)". Jan 19, 2022.

1 line insufflated Caffeine (powder / crystals)
Note: I have high caffeine tolerance, I barely feel alert when I drink 320mg caffeine in form of energy drinks. When I was younger I was able to stay up all night just by drinking 1l of coke (98mg caffeine).

I have caffeine powder, so I decided to snort it. I made long and thin lines and snorted them. It didn't burn much, but when I snorted another fat line I felt terrible bitter aftertaste, and almost threw up. I guess I snorted somewhere between 70 - 140 mg of caffeine.

Few minutes after I got a burst energy. I was hyper and I was sweating really hard. I felt somewhat anxious, I felt some euphoria.

However, after, like 10 minutes the effects wore off and I went to bed, because I was exhausted and sleepy. I was dissapointed, because I've read that caffeine effects should last at least few hours, even when insufflated.

I guess I can use it as sleep aid now, heh.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115950
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 19, 2022Views: 1,277
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