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by L
Citation:   L. "Powerful: An Experience with Atropine (exp115966)". Dec 1, 2023.

6 drops ocular Atropine
This is my report on atropine sulfate eye drops administered by a medical practitioner for pupil dilation for a eye exam. The practitioner administered 3 drops in each eye. The burning sensation immediately felt through my eyes. She asked me to leave the room for half an hour while the atropine takes effect before the examination.

I decided to go and sit outside for a cigarette. As soon as I left the building I felt the cold air hit me; the lights were bright as this is now nighttime. I felt slightly uneasy and something was different to before I had the drops administered. As I walked to my car I started feeling extremely hot and flushed requiring me to take off my jacket and wave my t-shirt back and forth to get some air. The temperature was around 3c at this point so normally I would feel cold.

As I continued walking I felt a numbness come over my neck and face. My lips where starting to tingle followed by my entire face at this point a slight disconnection from myself and the world around me was starting to take place. I was also starting to get agitated with the person I was with. I was yanking the car door trying to open it even though it was locked as the car felt the only safe place for me in this state at the time. Whilst in the car waves of hot flushing tingling and numbness was coming over me and the disconnection from reality was getting stronger sounds started mildly distorting.

I couldn't hear as well as I could before. I felt a wave of panic setting in as I've heard about atropine being a chemical extract of the highly psychoactive belladonna deadly nightshade. This thought that pinged in my head set off a panic attack.
This thought that pinged in my head set off a panic attack.
This feeling came in waves. My face started to feel as if it was ballooning and my lips felt fat and my mouth was dry. The person I was with said I looked fine although rather pale and alarmed. This carried on for around 45 minutes, then a gradual decline back to normality.

Exp Year: 2021ExpID: 115966
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 1, 2023Views: 26
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Atropine (912) : General (1), Difficult Experiences (5), Medical Use (47), Therapeutic Session / Clinic (55)

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