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Acid and Me, the Colorblind Kid
Citation:   Cryptic days. "Acid and Me, the Colorblind Kid: An Experience with LSD (exp28903)". Dec 11, 2003.

1 hit oral LSD (blotter / tab)
So, my girlfriend was the one who actually told me about acid and how relatively safe it is. so one cool and cloudy afternoon i decided to take a tab. since it was my firt time i did only take one. Now supposedly i am one of those rare ones that can't see any color. Completely colorblind. I can't see any of those numbers in the tests at the optometrists, so i guess i can't see color (bullshit in my opinion). Anywho, it seemed to take a long time to kick in, roughly 45 min to an hour. When i did start tripping, i noticed a slight change. The colors i see and yes i do believe i see color, were slightly more vivid. and as it progressed they softened and sharpened at what seemed to be random intervals. The sky was green for a while and there were pink trails in it. they were all so pretty. I can't imagine what being able to see color and tripping on acid would be like. I had an amazing time and will do it again soon.

Exp Year: 2003ExpID: 28903
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Dec 11, 2003Views: 48,288
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LSD (2) : Unknown Context (20), Health Benefits (32), First Times (2)

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