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My Forbidden Love Bites Back
Citation:   Smithie. "My Forbidden Love Bites Back: An Experience with Heroin (exp62959)". Jan 6, 2010.

75 mg IV Heroin (powder / crystals)
During my sophomore year of college was when I really became a heroin addict. At first I started out snorting lines and eventually I went to shooting up. Well, I did this for a while and being in college I eventually decided that it was in my best interest to stop my addiction. I did the whole dope-sick, craving, shaking, puking thing... it wasn't fun.. AT ALL.

Fast forward to my junior year. I was walking downtown one day and unfortunately enough, the safe-needle clinic was right across from where I get my birth control pills. Well, I ran into a guy who used to run with a few junkies I knew and (once a junkie, always a junkie) I asked him where I could score a few good bags. He walked with me down the street and I picked up a couple of bags of pure, brown heroin. I had some syringes left from when I used to shoot, so just feeling bored I went back to my dorm room to have some long lost fun.

I did the usual. Took an alcohol pad out, wiped off the syringe and the vein on my left arm. Opened the bag and tapped about 3/4 of the bag of heroin into my little metal cup. I used to do a lot, so I thought I was being safe with only 3/4 of a bag. I squeezed a bit of water into the cup and mashed it up with the end of the syringe. I dropped my little cotton into the solution and watched with anticipation as it puffed up with the heroin mixture. I slipped the tip of my syringe into the cotton and pulled the brown, sweet concoction into my syringe. I pulled my elastic around my left arm, feeling for that vein that would soon be the recipient of my forbidden love that I had long ago professed never to do again. I slid the needle into my vein, pulled back to get the blood in there to know that I had registered. And then... pushed.

All of a sudden I knew I had done too much. OH SHIT!!! I said. And then...

I woke up on the floor. I couldn't breathe and my pants were wet. I had pissed myself. The reason I couldn't breathe was the blood in my nose and throat, presumable from falling out of my chair and onto the wooden floor when the heroin knocked me out.

I knew I had ODed and I crawled into bed crying because I knew that I couldn't call anyone without getting into trouble. I was high too, so I didn't even want to get out of bed but the whole time I thought I was going to die. My heart was beating slow and while I knew that eventually, it was going to be ok, it was then that I knew that I actually did have to stop and if I ever did heroin again I needed to be more careful.

Exp Year: 2004ExpID: 62959
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jan 6, 2010Views: 30,501
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Heroin (27) : Overdose (29), Bad Trips (6), Alone (16)

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