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Great First Time
Citation:   Kiwi Cuz. "Great First Time: An Experience with Zopiclone (exp89362)". Erowid.org. Jun 3, 2021. erowid.org/exp/89362

15 mg oral Pharms - Zopiclone (pill / tablet)
Got a hold of some zopiclone. 7.5mg tablets.

T = 12:00am took two 7.5mg tablets with water

T+10 = slight bitter taste starts in my mouth and remains there for the rest of the experience

T+0.30 = Everything hits me, I feel euphoric, tired, feels like I weight 300lb, and my vision slowed much similarly to that of my vision when under the the influence of marijuana. Font on Screen can't stay still, it goes back and forwards on the line then some lines become 3D some words pop up. Long words bend and twist.

T+0.40 = Still euphoric, and now weigh a lot more. My keyboard keys have become colorful, blue top middle, red and orange left side, greeny and pearlescent turquoise right. FONT is 3D. Background of font moves back behind the font.

T+0.50 = All of above still apparent. Perception of color of font on slightly altered. Distracted easily. Head extremely heavy. Background of font is multicolored and moves, waves lie then jagged like stairs.

T+1.00 = Diminishing color changing. Most things back to regular color. Although lines of writing don't appear level.

T+1.10 = No color changing. Felt even heavier. Only feeling heavy, tired and extremely slowed vision.

T+1.30 = Just feel extremely tired and heavy with a little bit of slow vision. Tried standing up to go to bed and collapsed after stumbling due to how heavy I felt.

T+2.00 = Got into bed now 2am. Feeling very very heavy. Will fall asleep in seconds. Complete state of euphoria.

All in all a great drug. I'm not sure if this was usual for others. Overall I felt high and euphoric, extremely heavy and tired. Also had slow vision throughout. The color changing business may have been due to the fact I was on the computer.

A cool, relaxing drug.

Exp Year: 2010ExpID: 89362
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 17
Published: Jun 3, 2021Views: 2,633
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Pharms - Zopiclone (272) : Alone (16), First Times (2), General (1)

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