One Saturday evening I was sitting at home, contemplating taking a trip. I was tempted to try LSD, possibly in conjunction with Salvia and/or 5-MeO. Factors weighing against my possible journey were a lingering sickness and the need to get some things done the next day. After deliberating for a while, unable to decide one way or another I decided to try smoking a hit of 5-MeO to test the water and see if that would catalyze a decision for me.

I loaded up and smoked a small to medium sized hit of 5-MeO in the same manner I have been doing. I held it until I couldn't hold it any longer. I exhaled and a shudder passed through me as I sank into the MeO dimension. I seemed to be in a dark space illuminated by jags of white psychedelic lightning. These "lightning flashes" were very simple psychedelic visual shapes.

As I sat on the couch, eyes closed in this psychedelic space, snatches of music flitted through my head. I was aware of sounds elsewhere inside and just outside the house. These noises seemed to focus and capture my consciousness. This and previous trips have seemed very keyed in to the perception of sound. Previously I explored this aspect by using music as a focus for the trip. That experiment was very encouraging and I will definitely be exploring this in the future.

The MeO blew through my consciousness like a strong psychedelic wind. It streaked through my thoughts, perceptions, and feelings of the day at an incredible pace, shaking things up, pushing out debris and ordering what was left. Afterward it felt like I had "processed" the day's experiences and consigned them to their rightful places.

As I came down I didn't feel that anything profound had been revealed. However, as usual it left me feeling profoundly at peace. I sat on the couch considering the experience for a few minutes. I felt excellent. As I hoped, it was now clear to me that I didn't need to trip again that night. It didn't feel like it would accomplish much.

The trip lasted about five minutes. For another five to eight minutes I was definitely "high" but no longer tripping.

5-MeO is so beyond words that I am tempted to simply say "There are no words" and leave it at that. But that wouldn't be much use... The energy of 5-MeO is very basic and primal. It feels very much like a prototype psychedelic to me. It is incredibly strong, even overwhelming. It has a definite "character", but that character is extremely minimalist. In this report I have compared it to both lightning and wind. Like both of those things, 5-MeO seems to be a powerful, primal force of nature, beautiful in its raw, unbridled state.

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