For our one year anniversary L and I decided to take some LSD together. At 11:40 p.m. she took one hit and I took two. Afterwards we sat together on the couch to await effects.

By the time I was feeling anything significant an hour had passed. At that point I was definitely aware of the acid. The familiar acid tension had manifested in my chest and I was beginning to feel a little spacey. The light in the room had taken on a distinctly trippy quality. I asked L how she was doing and she said she wasn't really feeling it. I offered her more LSD and after thinking about it for a few minutes she accepted. I got her ¾ of another hit and grabbed another hit for myself.

Soon after our booster dose we were both tripping pretty well. Moving a hand in front of my face produced long trails of color. With my eyes closed I was seeing colorful patterns squirm into each other. L and I started kissing and this quickly overtook my reality. While we were kissing I was seeing incredible things behind my eyelids. I soon forgot who and where I was as I became more and more focused on the sensation of our mouths dancing. Images I had recently seen of dragons, phoenixes and other mythical creatures formed in my mind's eye. I entered an internal reality that was being driven by our tongues playing each other.

This went on for several minutes with only a few breaks. L got up to use the bathroom and left me alone in the living room. While she was gone I became aware of something trying to force itself into my consciousness. I felt some fear and knew it had something to do with the repressed memories I had recovered on a previous acid trip over a year ago. I didn't wish to deal with those issues at that time so I forced my mind away from the subject. This was probably a bad idea, but I just didn't want to spend my anniversary dealing with traumatic memories of my childhood.

When L returned we decided to move into our room. We went into our room, closed the door and resumed kissing. I moved my mouth over her body and soon I had her naked on our bed. My kisses became more intimate and soon things moved to the next level. Our sex was intense and animalistic. It was almost scary. During our sex I was having some strange thoughts but these didn't distract me from what we were doing. After a short period of time we reached orgasm at more or less the same instant.

Afterwards we sat on our bed, exhausted. I was floating in a most pleasant and dreamy way. We talked a little, but neither of us was up to much conversation. We were both tripping really hard at this point. L asked me to get her a CD that was playing in the other room and put it on the stereo in our room. I got up and did so.

As the CD started playing in our room I let myself be carried away on its familiar sounds. After several songs L and I resumed our strange, trippy, start and stop conversation. We were both a little too far out to have a meaningful conversation, but it was pleasant enough just meandering along, listening to the sounds of each other's voice.

Suddenly, L got a strange, disturbed look on her face. She muttered "Oh, no way…don't go there" (or words to that effect) and then became withdrawn. I asked her what was wrong, but she merely drew away from me and closed her eyes. I thought maybe I had done something to offend her or creep her out. I asked her if this was the case but she didn't respond to any of my queries.

I continued to try and talk to L but she refused to communicate with me. I had seen plenty of people have overly intense or unpleasant trips and recognized the signs. I began asking her a series of questions to attempt to figure out where she was at mentally. She couldn't or wouldn't answer me.

I began to be frustrated and a little scared. If it had been anyone else, I would have just made sure they were comfortable and left them alone while they worked it out. I should have done that in this case, too. I didn't. Instead I continued to try and pry her out of her shell, pestering her with questions and trying to force her to communicate with me. I was too involved to let her be to sort it out on her own.

My attempts to bring her around succeeded in pissing her off. She told me to leave her alone so she could sleep. It didn't seem likely that she would actually be able to, but I figured she wanted to be alone, so I went into the next room to try and clear my own head.

I sat in the near dark, illuminated only by a candle and tried to mellow myself out. I tried breath exercises, but my concentration was split, most of my mind being occupied on what my lover was experiencing in the next room. I heard her get up and go into the bathroom. I got up and went to check on her again. Still she wouldn't talk to me. I managed to coax her out of the bathroom finally and sit near me. This lasted for a few moments before she went back into a withdrawn, almost fetal posture.

I turned the lights on and again brought her around. She would respond for a moment, then return to her withdrawn state. I should have taken a hint, but I was tripping hard myself and quite frankly I was scared. I just wanted her to come out of it and be OK. I blamed myself for what was happening to her.

This continued for a while, her near total withdrawal and my attempts to force her out of it. Finally she began responding to me semi consistently and coherently. She asked me to put on some music, which I did. We talked a little, but I could tell she still felt very weird and unpleasant. She asked me several strange questions like "Do you hate me?" and "Who are you?" I could tell she was very disoriented and my heart ached for her, having been there myself a time or two. I just wanted to make everything OK but I didn't have a clue how to do that.

Over the next few hours her mind slowly put itself back together. I tried to help her, but all in all I think I did more harm than good. When she would ask me a question I would start rambling off a long and complicated answer that usually succeeded only in confusing her. I wanted very much to be what she needed to help bring her down, but I was in no shape to be anything other than the tripping fool that I was.

Around six a.m. or so she finally had out most of her reality back where it should have been. We were lying in bed, talking and kissing. I apologized several times for being useless, if not exacerbating the situation. She told me it was OK. We both told each other over and over again how much we loved and cared for one another. It was really quite sappy.

All this cuddling and love talk led us into fooling around. This proceeded quickly to sex and soon we were at it again. Again the sex was intense and erotically charged, almost out of control. Again we came together. Afterward we lay there and remarked on how good it had been. Strangely enough, we still weren't done. Over the next hour or two we had sex twice more, each time very intense and explosive. I believe we could have done it several times more if we hadn't been so totally exhausted physically. For whatever reason we were both supercharged with a surplus of sexual energy. It definitely helped take the edge off the night.

By the time we finally fell asleep it was after 11:00 a.m. After we woke up L was able to explain to me some of what had been going on in her head. I won't repeat it here, since it is properly her story, not mine. I was relieved to find out it wasn't based on something I had done after all and that it wasn't really my fault.

Even so, I do feel I handled the situation poorly. I should have just sat nearby her and let her work it out, making myself available only if she asked for my help. Instead I made a nuisance of myself and probably exacerbated the discomfort she was feeling. I know that I managed to freak her out several times with strange things I said in response to questions she had asked. I am usually very good with people having a hard time during a trip, but being so close to the situation made it hard for me to deal with. I told L that she and I should work out a plan of what to do when the other party is freaking out so as to avoid similar situations. Hopefully we can devise a set of ground rules to make sure we are of maximum assistance to each other during difficult trips, rather than exacerbating a bad situation.

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