My New Year's Eve started out less than spectacularly. The rave I had been planning on attending had been canceled at the last minute, leaving me with no backup plan. I called everyone I knew, but most or all of them had been planning on going to the same thing. By the time I finally found a house party to go to it was after 12:00.

When I arrived I found L sitting outside in her car. I got in with her and asked her what was up. She had just had an argument with someone inside and wanted to leave. I spent several minutes talking her into staying at the party. I managed to convince her to stay and celebrate New Year's with her friends after much persuasion.

That wasn't all. While we were talking L told me she thought we should break up. I wasn't surprised. We had broken up a few days before and gotten back together against my better judgement. I knew it was over before she ever said it and it was more a less a relief to finally have it out. With that out of the way we both walked inside to celebrate the New Year.

I took a pill of ecstasy that I had gotten from someone at the party. I sat down with a female acquaintance of mine to chat while it came on. As we were talking I was feeling a bit melancholy and I knew the E was working when the feeling began to lift, leaving behind a feeling of relief and the conviction I had done the right thing.

As I began rolling I walked around the house, meeting people and having conversations. I danced in the kitchen, talked to my roommate and houseguest, watched people and thought about things. I felt really good, extremely happy and mellow. I told N (the friend who had been staying with us) how much I liked her and how much I appreciated her help with my daughter while L and I were going through the process of splitting up. I talked to my roommate about how incredible I thought his music was and how I thought he should concentrate more on it. I offered to promote him and he accepted, which was great.

L and I talked from time to time throughout the night. I really wanted to talk to her more, but she was clearly not comfortable with that so I didn't push the issue. I was very aware of her throughout the night, as she never strayed far from my thoughts. Although I felt strongly that we had done the right thing I couldn't help but be a little sad that something so nice had had to end. Plus, the ecstasy made me all cuddly and it was hard not to cuddle with the person who had been my lover and fiancée until a few hours before.

A few hours after we took the ecstasy L, M, our friend B and I decided to take some 5-MeO-DIPT on top of it. I took a capsule with 15 mg of Foxy methoxy and went back to what I was doing, which was wandering around having one rolled out conversation after another, meeting people and talking about inconsequential things and having a grand time of it.

Ten or fifteen minutes after I took the Fox, everyone decided to go to another party a few miles away. I ended up driving without giving it too much thought. As we drove over there the Fox started working, kicking the roll back in and adding some visual elements to it. I was relieved when we arrived before it got too strong.

Unfortunately the party was sheer crap. There were tons of drunks around and some guy pretending to be a DJ as he played bad hip-hop records way too loud. L and I agreed right away that the party was a wash and we should split as soon as possible. We talked to everyone we had come with and fifteen or twenty minutes after we arrived we got back in our cars and left.

By now I was tripping pretty hard on the combo. I knew I shouldn't have been behind the wheel but somehow it seemed all right. My confidence was high. I also felt like I was melting into the seat, which obviously says I was being a jackass by choosing to drive at that time. Nonetheless we arrived back at the house we had left without incident.

Back at the house we started our party back up. The combination of the 5-MeO-DIPT and the MDMA felt fantastic, like a supercharged candyflip. The visuals became very intense within a short period of arriving. Sitting in the dark with eyes closed the music pushed complex and beautiful patterns across my closed eyelids. I was impressed at the synergy between the two substances, since neither of them is all that visual by itself.

L got up to dance and it looked like so much fun I had to join her. It was as much fun as it looked. LSD and MDMA make a great combo for dancing. 5-MeO-DIPT and MDMA are outright incredible. I had more energy than I knew what to do with, my body was made of liquid and moved by itself. I wished like hell we were at the party we were supposed to have gone to, dancing in front of huge speakers with a few thousand like minded friends…

After a while I got bored and went back to talking with various people. I had a rather interesting and involved conversation with a new friend (we'll call him C) about the Illuminati, drug laws, drugs in general, the state of the world, etc. Although talking was as much fun as ever I found that I would occasionally lose the thread of the conversation for a moment.

The night went on and on and I stayed pretty high. I noticed after a while that I hadn't seen L for a bit and began to worry. I had to remind myself several times that it wasn't any of my concern any more where she went or what she did and that my worry was really just jealousy in a subtle disguise. I managed to forget about it for the most part and concentrate on having a good time.

As the sun was coming up we all went outside to watch for a few minutes. It was one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. The clouds were pink and orange and purple. It seemed like a great omen for the New Year and I was filled with happiness at the beauty of creation.

Back inside I got into a long conversation with another new friend about high school days, jail and, of course, drugs. I was really glad to have met a few new cool people and I still felt good about L and I being split up. Around 8:00 a.m. I began trying to decide if I wanted to go home and sleep or try and find another after party to go to until the new year's day party started at noon. Sleep won out by a slim margin and I decided to leave.

I went downstairs to say goodbye to L. She was talking with a friend of hers. He said his good-byes to her as well and she and I spent a few minutes talking. She looked beautiful and I was hit by a wave of sadness at knowing that things were really over. After a few minutes we walked upstairs and left to go to home.

The combination of MDMA and 5-MeO-DIPT was excellent, one of the best combos I have ever tried. I prefer it to the candyflip (LSD and MDMA) trips I have taken and the single 2CB and MDMA trip I had. The trip was warm, fuzzy and empathogenic. It helped me deal with feelings of jealousy and sadness and have a good time despite having broken up with the love of my life only hours before. It had a ton of energy and it made me feel positively liquid. I will definitely be experimenting with this particular combo in the future as opportunity allows.

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