For a variety of reasons it had been some time since my last mushroom experience. For one thing, acid had been much more available to me, not to mention much more appropriate for the setting I was frequently tripping in (raves). Another thing was that my source for mushrooms was having some trouble providing me with them. My frustration with this coupled with my increased availability of acid and frequent attendance at raves all meant that mushrooms hadn't been part of my repertoire for a while.

I had been thinking of changing this situation for a while when a friend gifted me with three grams in return for a favor I had done for him a few months prior. They were from a different source than I usually obtained them, but they looked fairly good. I had been planning to trip on my next day off, but wasn't sure what agent I would use. My sudden acquisition of shrooms seemed to be a clear indicator it was time to visit with that entity again. I also thought it would be interesting to smoke some 5-MeO-DMT near the peak of the trip to see how they interacted.

In preparation for the trip I fasted for thirteen hours. Around 10:10 p.m. I drank the shroom tea I had prepared earlier. Immediately after drinking the tea I got into the shower to await the effects.

I showered for approximately forty minutes. As I was finishing the shower I was definitely feeling some effects. They first manifested as a lightened, buzzy feeling and a slight tightness in my temples. As I got out of the shower I noticed that my balance was a little off and the light had taken on a certain familiar character that I associate with tripping.

I sat down in the living room and tried to define what I was feeling. There was a strong, definite sense of being altered. It was a more somatic buzz than the acid I had become accustomed to lately. Not only that, but I felt more altered, a larger degree of mental alteration than a comparable dose of LSD would cause. The mushrooms seem to be a more profound and deeper inebriation than acid.

I turned off the light and lit a candle. As usual, I felt like I should lie down while the effects were coming on. As I lay there on the floor the trip ramped up. My thoughts began to go off on strange tangents. A few times I had to stop myself and push my train of thought in a different direction as I began speculating on particularly odd and useless things. Once or twice I had a sudden sense of presence, the second time so strongly I almost asked aloud "Who's there?" This never went any further on this trip.

The small amount of light was bothering me and I decided to blow the candle out. When I sat up and opened my eyes I noticed some patterning in the air. It was a familiar pattern, a series of interlocking arches or parabolas with colored edges, inscribed very faintly over the walls here the candle's light illuminated the room. I blew out the candle and lay down again.

I decided to try some meditation while I was waiting to peak. It went surprisingly well and after just a few minutes of it I entered a lovely meditative state. This seemed to increase the visuals behind my closed eyes a little bit, but not to any significant degree. I became distracted before long and chose not to bother trying to return to that state.

As I awaited the peak I felt odd. The trip felt somewhat edgy. It wasn't unpleasant but it wasn't pleasant either. For one thing I wasn't tripping hard enough. The mushrooms were of lesser quality than what I was used to, so these three grams had gotten me less high than I had hoped. The trip felt sort of undefined and drifting, without purpose. On the plus side I was feeling little or no nausea. I did have a heightened awareness of my stomach that wasn't entirely pleasant, but compared to the nausea I often get off of shrooms it was entirely bearable.

Before I knew it I was an hour and a half into the trip and it was time to smoke the 5-MeO-DMT. I took a few minutes to prepare, taking a few deep breaths and them doing a minute of meditation. I hit the pipe I had prepared and slowly tried to smoke the MeO there. Unfortunately I underdosed. All I got was a sensation of tightening in my temples, a sure sign that I had "missed". I considered abandoning the effort for another time, then decided I wasn't really too high to load a hit after all.

I turned on the lights and carefully loaded up a good sized hit. With the lights on I realized I was tripping a little harder than I had thought. After getting everything ready (which took five minutes or so) I shut the light off again and picked up the pipe.

This time everything went easily and I got a nice hit. The tightness returned but was soon washed away by pulsing 5-MeO energy waves that pushed me down to floor. The universe strobed behind my eyelids in strange geometric configurations that seemed to be trying to form humanoid shapes. I felt an elated sense of peace and my thoughts touched on my relationship with mushrooms and MeO and how glad I was to have finally brought these two titans together before my ego and all other thoughts dissolved into a swirling whirlpool of light and energy and left me floating in a transcendent space for a short eternity.

The room slowly returned along with my sense of self. I sat up and thought about what had just transpired, grinning ear to ear. The combination had been great and I was very pleased. Not only that but the trip seemed to have been upped a notch in intensity and quality. I suddenly felt great, a mixture of the mushroom love and eternal 5-MeO-DMT peace. The world seemed to be a terrific place and I was very glad to be a part of it.

I sat in my living room trying to decide what to do with the rest of my trip. I considered listening to some music or going outside. Going outside won. I took a few minutes to decide that it was what I really wanted to do and gather my will enough to actually do it. I grabbed a piece of bread and my inflatable chair and went out into the cool night.

The moon was bright and beautiful, the stars were diamond points in a velvet sky and the clouds formed swirling tapestries of near infinite beauty. I just sat on the lawn thinking about how lucky I was and how good things had been going for me. I thought about some things that had been bothering me lately and my anxiety about them slowly evaporated, leaving me with a confidence that I would overcome them without significant difficulty. Everything seemed right with the world and with myself.

About this time my neighbors pulled up and got out of their car. As they were exiting the vehicle, a figure ran out of the alley and by them. The way he was running I expected someone else to follow closely, pursuing him. The neighbors stared dumbly after him for a minute before realizing this was a little strange. One of them walked to the back of their house to check for signs of forced entry, but apparently found nothing. They discussed the incident for a few minutes then walked inside. I sat and pondered it a few minutes myself before going on to other things.

I returned inside to put on long pants and get some more food. I also grabbed the third extraction of my shroom tea as a little booster. I alternated drinks of tea with juice and watched the sky. By the time I finished the last of the tea I realized I was still cold, so I went inside.

It seemed like a good time for some music so I put on Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band. This is a favorite of mine for psychedelically enhanced listening. I was into it for the first two songs, but my interest waned fairly quickly. As usual, mushrooms and music just didn't seem to quite jive with me. I did listen to the rest of the album but I didn't find it as enjoyable as previous listens on LSD.

After that I was mostly down, just feeling a residual buzz. I wasn't sleepy yet so I decided to play with my computer. I got online and spent several hours just screwing around on the net, reading email, etc. Finally I was ready to go to bed so I shut everything down and lay down to sleep.

And found that I couldn't. I was still a little too keyed up to sleep. I didn't have any cannabis, my usual chill out drug, on hand. I tossed and turned for awhile, wishing I could sleep but not being able to do it. Finally I decided to drink a beer. I chose one with a lot of hops (hops have sedative qualities) and sat on the couch drinking it as the sun came up. When it was done I lay back down and fell asleep almost immediately.

The trip was a decent mushroom trip. It was less spectacular and interesting than most of my shroom trips, but fun nonetheless. The 5-MeO-DMT shot in the middle definitely helped to spice it up. It did remind me how nice mushrooms could be and inspired me to work on another source for obtaining mushrooms of the quality I was previously getting. With any luck I will soon be visiting with that entity again on a regular basis.

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