Hit 105

Reference List

FARX(1); FLST(1); RX(1)

Reaction (1 of 1)
Reaction ID3327907
Reactant BRN635760; 605308
Reactantmethylbenzene; 3-bromo-propene
Product BRN4964126; 4964125; 2501175
Product1-(2-bromo-propyl)-2-methyl-benzene; 1-(2-bromo-propyl)-3-methyl-benzene; 2-bromo-1-(4-tolyl)-propane
No. of Reaction Details1

Reaction Details (1 of 1)
Reaction ClassificationPreparation
Time1.5 hour(s)
Other Conditionsfurther catalysts and temperatures
CommentYield given. Yields of byproduct given. Title compound not separated from byproducts
Citation Pointer5630899; Journal; Magerramov, M. N.; JOCYA9; J.Org.Chem.USSR (Engl.Transl.); EN; 1982; 115-118; ZORKAE; Zh.Org.Khim.; RU; 18; 1; 1982; 133-135;

Reference (1 of 1)
Citation Number5630899
Document TypeJournal
AuthorsMagerramov, M. N.
Journal TitleJ.Org.Chem.USSR (Engl.Transl.); Zh.Org.Khim.
Language CodeEN; RU
(Series) Volume18
Publication Year1982; 1982
Page115-118; 133-135

Copyright 1988-2001 Beilstein Institut zur Foerderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften. All rights reserved.