Hit 108

Reference List

FARX(1); FLST(1); RX(1)

Reaction (1 of 1)
Reaction ID3556106
Reactant BRN5551805; 636496
Reactant6-(2'-bromopropyl)-4,5-dimethoxy-1,3-benzodioxole; N-methyl-N-phenyl-formamide
Product BRN5571839
No. of Reaction Details1

Reaction Details (1 of 1)
Reaction ClassificationPreparation
Reagent1) POCl3
Other Conditions1) chlorobenzene, 1 h, 0 deg C, 2) chlorobenzene, a) 6 h, 20 deg C, b) 8 h, 60-70 deg C
CommentYield given. Multistep reaction
Citation Pointer5704153; Journal; Devakumar, C.; Mukerjee, S. K.; IJSBDB; Indian J.Chem.Sect.B; EN; 25; 1986; 1150-1154;

Reference (1 of 1)
Citation Number5704153
Document TypeJournal
AuthorsDevakumar, C.; Mukerjee, S. K.
Journal TitleIndian J.Chem.Sect.B
Language CodeEN
(Series) Volume25
Publication Year1986

Copyright 1988-2001 Beilstein Institut zur Foerderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften. All rights reserved.