Hit 112

Reference List

FARX(1); FLST(1); RX(4)

Reaction (1 of 1)
Reaction ID3960544
Reactant BRN1910871
Product BRN2556708; 5117188; 7081857; 7022643
Product1,2-dimethoxy-4-propyl-benzene; 1a-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)-2b-methyl-3b-ethyl-5,6-dimethoxyindan; 1,2-trans-2,3-trans-1-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)-2-methyl-3-ethyl-5,6-dimethoxyindan; 1,2-Dimethoxy-4-(2-fluoropropyl)benzene
No. of Reaction Details4

Reaction Details (1 of 1)
Reaction ClassificationPreparation
Yield35 percent (BRN=7022643)
Other Conditions1.) 0 deg C, 1 h, 2.) 25 deg C, 18 h
CommentYields of byproduct given
Citation Pointer5932284; Journal; Khrimian, Achot P.; DeMilo, Albert B.; Waters, Rolland M.; Liquido, Nicanor J.; Nicholson, Jesse M.; JOCEAH; J.Org.Chem.; EN; 59; 26; 1994; 8034-8039;

Reaction Details (2 of 1)
Reaction ClassificationPreparation
Yield35 percent (BRN=7022643); 15 percent (BRN=5117188); 5 percent (BRN=7081857)
Other Conditions1.) 0 deg C, 1 h, 2.) 25 deg C, 18 h
CommentYield given
Citation Pointer5932284; Journal; Khrimian, Achot P.; DeMilo, Albert B.; Waters, Rolland M.; Liquido, Nicanor J.; Nicholson, Jesse M.; JOCEAH; J.Org.Chem.; EN; 59; 26; 1994; 8034-8039;

Reaction Details (3 of 1)
Reaction ClassificationPreparation
Yield15 percent (BRN=5117188); 35 percent (BRN=7022643); 5 percent (BRN=7081857)
Other Conditions1.) 0 deg C, 1 h, 2.) 25 deg C, 18 h
Citation Pointer5932284; Journal; Khrimian, Achot P.; DeMilo, Albert B.; Waters, Rolland M.; Liquido, Nicanor J.; Nicholson, Jesse M.; JOCEAH; J.Org.Chem.; EN; 59; 26; 1994; 8034-8039;

Reaction Details (4 of 1)
Reaction ClassificationPreparation
Yield5 percent (BRN=7081857); 35 percent (BRN=7022643); 15 percent (BRN=5117188)
Other Conditions1.) 0 deg C, 1 h, 2.) 25 deg C, 18 h
Citation Pointer5932284; Journal; Khrimian, Achot P.; DeMilo, Albert B.; Waters, Rolland M.; Liquido, Nicanor J.; Nicholson, Jesse M.; JOCEAH; J.Org.Chem.; EN; 59; 26; 1994; 8034-8039;

Reference (1 of 1)
Citation Number5932284
Document TypeJournal
AuthorsKhrimian, Achot P.; DeMilo, Albert B.; Waters, Rolland M.; Liquido, Nicanor J.; Nicholson, Jesse M.
Journal TitleJ.Org.Chem.
Language CodeEN
(Series) Volume59
Publication Year1994

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