Hit 145

Reference List

FARX(1); FLST(1); RX(1)

Reaction (1 of 1)
Reaction ID7047848
Reactant BRN2037554; 1857542
ReactantNaBr; sulfuric acid; 3-phenyl-propan-1-ol
Product BRN2205527; 2041553
Product(3-bromo-propyl)-benzene; (2-bromo-propyl)-benzene
No. of Reaction Details1

Reaction Details (1 of 1)
Reaction ClassificationChemical behaviour
Citation Pointer1359811; Journal; Galpern; IASKA6; Izv.Akad.Nauk SSSR Ser.Khim.; 1943; 280; Chem.Abstr.; 1944; 5489;

Reference (1 of 1)
Citation Number1359811
Document TypeJournal
Journal TitleIzv.Akad.Nauk SSSR Ser.Khim.
Journal/Review Without CODENChem.Abstr.
Publication Year1943; 1944
Page280; 5489

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