Hit 90

Reference List

FARX(1); FLST(1); RX(1)

Reaction (1 of 1)
Reaction ID2786144
Reactant BRN4841793
Product BRN1103012; 6632365; 2209027; 6595586
Product3-(m-Trifluormethyl-phenyl)-propen-(1); cis-1-[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]propene; trans-b-Methyl-m-trifluormethyl-styrol; 2-chloro-1-[3-(trifluoromethyl)phenyl]propane
No. of Reaction Details1

Reaction Details (1 of 1)
Reaction ClassificationPreparation
Reagentthionylchloride, pyridine
Time7.5 hour(s)
Other ConditionsHeating
CommentYield given. Yields of byproduct given
Citation Pointer5843665; Journal; Goument, B.; Duhamel, L.; Mauge, R.; BSCFAS; Bull.Soc.Chim.Fr.; FR; 130; 1993; 450-458;

Reference (1 of 1)
Citation Number5843665
Document TypeJournal
AuthorsGoument, B.; Duhamel, L.; Mauge, R.
Journal TitleBull.Soc.Chim.Fr.
Language CodeFR
(Series) Volume130
Publication Year1993

Copyright 1988-2001 Beilstein Institut zur Foerderung der Chemischen Wissenschaften. All rights reserved.