

by Michael Valentine Smith

Cyclize - to form into a circle. Specifically, to link the OH group of CBD to the carbon atom to form the 3 ring compound THC, from the 2 ring compound CBD.

Decarboxylate - to remove a carboxyl (-COOH) group from a molecule. Specifically, to remove the carboxyl group from THC acid or CBD acid, by heating, to give THC or CBD.

Isomerize - to rearrange the atoms of a molecule such that the molecular weight remains the same, but the chemical or physical properties change. Specifically, when CBD is cyclized to THC, it has undergone isomerization.

Polymers - a complex chemical compound formed of many simpler units. Cellulose is a sugar polymer and gelatin is an amino acid polymer.

Synergize - the working together of two forces or chemicals to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects. Specifically, THC and CBD together may synergize to produce redder eyes than the sum of the redness of the same amounts of the two, taken alone.
