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Random Question

Is there only MDMA in Ecstasy tablets?
Q: Is there only MDMA in Ecstasy tablets?

A: Ecstasy pills sold on the black market are often impure or completely fake. Some contain MDMA-like chemicals such as MDMA, MDA or MDEA. Some contain various other drugs, such as ephedrine, methamphetamine, caffeine, ketamine, dextromethorphan, or aspirin. Some contain no drugs at all, and are simply inert pills. Often times they will contain multiple ingredients, such as MDMA with MDA, or ephedrine with caffeine. You can greatly reduce the chances of getting a fake pill by using one of the testing kits currently on the market, such as the ones made by EZ-Test or DanceSafe.

Some tablets are tested by, an independent laboratory pill testing project co-sponsored by Erowid, Dancesafe, and MAPS.

Version History:

Jun 30 2008 Update: Reference to laboratory pill testing changed to

Asked By : A.H. Henrik
Answered By : murple
Edited By : spoon
Published Date : 1 / 15 / 2001
Last Edited Date : 6 / 30 / 2008
Question ID : 1869

Categories: [ MDMA (Ecstasy) ]

Ask Erowid v1.7 - Jul, 2005

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