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Are MBDB and Methylone the same chemical?
Q: Is Methyl-J (also known as MBDB) the same chemical as Methylone? This is what I had previously thought, but now I can find no information proving this.

A: No, they are different chemicals, although structurally quite similar. They also share quite a bit of similarity in effects. MBDB (or "Methyl-J") has a chemical formula of C12H17NO2. Methylone has a formula of C11H13NO3. We have a little information about each at:

Or, check out this side-by-side comparison of the molecules.



Asked By : RG
Answered By : fire
Published Date : 4 / 19 / 2003
Last Edited Date : 4 / 19 / 2003
Question ID : 3048

Categories: [ Chemicals ]

Ask Erowid v1.7 - Jul, 2005

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