What are "Hell's Bells" flowers?
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Well, i'm wondering if you could identify this bizarre flower I ate that caused hallucinations. It was large and bell-shaped and most of my friends refer to it as "hell's bells".
It's yellow and tasts like apple skin. It caused hallucinations, at first I get a headache, sometimes stomach cramps, vary's from person to person, drowsiness then I am completely out of it. You find yourself in different areas entirely, very forgetful, and it lasts for about two days. Someone i knew went temporarily blind, and others had problems with their depth perception. What is this plant?
A: |
Sounds like Brugmansia. There are two plants, Datura and Brugmansia which have large bell-shaped flowers. They are closely related, with Brugmansia being a tree and Datura a bush/shrub. I believe that there is no such thing as a yellow flowered Datura, while Brugmansia flowers are commonly yellow. Regardless, both contain the same chemicals (atropine and scopolamine) and have similar effects.
Both Brugmansia and Datura are known for causing realistic hallucinations, long-duration of effects (2 days is certainly possible) and temporary paralysis of the focusing mechanism of the eye. Be extremely careful with these plants as deaths are not unheard of. You can find more information at :
Hope this helps,
[ Brugmansia ]
[ Datura ]