LSD and Color Blindness
v1.0 Dec 13, 2003
There are a handful of case reports of people with color blindness finding that LSD
altered their perception of color for the duration of the effects. Colorblindess is
not seeing without color, but a reduced ability to differentiate between certain
colors. It is not known how LSD changes perception of color or why it would alter
color blindess.
altered their perception of color for the duration of the effects. Colorblindess is
not seeing without color, but a reduced ability to differentiate between certain
colors. It is not known how LSD changes perception of color or why it would alter
color blindess.
Colorblindness and Psychedelics, by dk_trippy
I Could Indeed See Color, by Ezekial Mordecai Kiss...
LSD and Color Blindness, by Jim B.
Acid and Me, the Colorblind Kid, by Cryptic days
Time and Patterns, by St. Stephen