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Spiral Erowid Zip Hoodie
This black mid-weight zip hoodie (80/20) has front pockets,
an Erowid logo on front chest, and a spiral design on back.
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Table 1   Demographic data of ecstasy users and control groups (n=28 in each group)

Ecstasy users
Cannabis users*
Mean age (y) (range) 23.25 (18-29) 22.9 (18-31) 23.5 (18-30)
Men:women 16:12 15:13 17:11
Level of education
(1) No school leaving examination/at least 9 years of education 1 0 0
(2) Basic school leaving examination after form 9 (Hauptschulabschlubeta ) 2 2 0
(3) Intermediate school leaving examination after form 10 (Realschule/ mittlere Reife) 8 5 8
(4) Highest school leaving examination qualifying for admission to college/university after form 12 or 13 (Fachabitur/Abitur) 16 20 20
(5) University degree (Hochschulabschlubeta ) 1 1 0

* Cannabis users=persons who were matched for cannabis use with the ecstasy users.