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by Justin Case
Originally Published in The Entheogen Review
Citation:   Case J. "Lamid". The Entheogen Review. 2008;16(4):151.
After my third bioassay of methylisopropyl-lysergamide (aka lamid) as a known substance, I now believe it is the same mysterious drug that my friends and I encountered in a small run in the 1990s, which was provided to us as "another sort of acid" by my primary acid dealer. We all also had LSD during the same time, and it was clearly not the same molecule. My dealer called it "the beauty kind," but soon most of us were referring to it as "candy acid." It might be synonymous with the similarly curious "acid lite" that appeared in limited quantities during the late 1990s in England under the name "bliss." I bioassayed candy acid a couple dozen times during those years, and was left both wanting more and wondering what the fuck it had been.

Unlike LSD, lamid does not appear to become fully psychedelic even with increased dosages. Its effects were largely the same with 200 mics as with 100 mics, except for a relatively minor increase in euphoria and stimulation, with a significant increase in body load. Friends in the 1990s attempting to get stronger visual effects by taking far larger doses (well into the low milligrams) generally reported falling asleep. It does not appear capable of ever reaching colorful and geometric levels.

The known material, provided on blotter paper, tasted like some sort of acetate. But otherwise the "taste"--more a feeling than a flavor--was distinctly acid-like. First alerts appeared within 15 minutes, with onset around 40 minutes. There was lots of rushing euphoria, delicious radiant body sensations, altered perception, and a nicely magical glow to the world, but with maybe a tenth as much mental alteration and almost no introspection, as compared to LSD. Nevertheless, the introspection that was there was gentle and clear-minded, compared to the sometimes pushy self-analytical character of acid. Socializing was easy and comfortable, even when a surprise visitor dropped by.

The body load was similar to LSD. Around onset, there was a bit of edginess with some minor cramping, and abdominal discomfort was intermittent throughout the experience. Movement took more effort than normal; but, overall, walking was no problem and enjoyable. Hot tubbing was fine, although I overheated fairly rapidly.

While there were not many visuals, anything showing any movement looked odd and exaggerated. Especially outdoors, everything appeared to be hyper-real, as if there was too much contrast or as if the auto level command in Photoshop had been applied to an overly dark digital photo.

Sex required focus, with minor difficulty maintaining an erection. Tactile senses were elevated, and the erotic/sensuousness aspects were really sweet. It showed less than a three hour peak, and the effects had largely faded by the sixth hour, with only minor residuals for several more hours.

This is a really nice molecule if one can resist viewing it as an "acid substitute." It's a wonderful thing on its own: euphoric, stimulating, and mind altering in an open, expansive way that permits easy contact with other people and one's surroundings. If a person wanted to ingest acid, he or she probably would be disappointed with lamid, consider it boring, or maybe not even like it, since it largely lacks visuals and is missing most of the mental aspects of acid (preserving only around 10% of them), yet it retains many of acid's somatic discomforts, such as the inability to comfortably regulate one's temperature and significant elements of body load.

However, if someone wanted to visit a museum, participate in an interactive public situation, or go out and socialize, lamid could be an ideal molecule. I suspect that it will find a place of great value if judged on its own merits, rather than being thought of as a replacement for LSD.