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Bia Labate
Photo by Jon Hanna, 2008
Bia Labate
Drawing by Clancy Cavnar
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Beatriz (Bia) Caiuby Labate
Born in São Paulo, Brazil, Bia Labate, PhD, is a Research Associate at the Institute of Medical Psychology, Heidelberg University. As a social anthropologist researching psychoactive substances, drug policy, shamanism, ritual, and religion, Labate is known worldwide for her extensive expertise on the topic of ayahuasca. As the author, co-author, and co-editor of numerous books, papers, and DVDs, Labate is a prolific writer and popular lecturer. At the websites she edits, she has compiled comprehensive collections of materials related to ayahuasca, including numerous documents constellated around the legal and ethical situation of this enigmatic entheogenic brew.

Labate has presented at many conferences and workshops, including the Women's Visionary Congress (2012), MAPS 25th Anniversary Conference (2011), Ayahuasca and the Treatment of Dependency (2011), the European Ayahuasca Research Symposium (2011), Breaking Convention: A Multidisciplinary Convention on Psychedelic Consciousness (2011), Amazonian Shamanism, Psychoactive Plants and Ritual Reinvention (2010), Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century (2010), The Globalization of Ayahuasca: An Amazonian Psychoactive and its Users (2008), the World Psychedelic Forum (2008), Harm Reduction: Dilemmas and Perspectives (2007), Drug Policy Alternatives (2006), Drugs: Controversies and Perspectives (2005), and the First Congress on the Ritual Use of Ayahuasca (1997), which she also organized.

Labate also is a co-founder of the Nucleus for Interdisciplinary Studies of Psychoactives (NEIP), and the editor of the NEIP website. She is renowned for her curiosity, her love of learning, and her direct personality.

Author of (Books)
  • Música Brasileira de Ayahuasca (Opening the Portals of Heaven: Brazilian Ayahuasca Music) [with Gustavo Pacheco] (2009 / English edition: 2010)
  • Religiõ es Ayahuasqueiras: um Balanço Bibliográfico (Ayahuasca Religions: A Comprehensive Bibliography and Critical Essays) [with Isabel Santana de Rose and Rafael Guimarães dos Santos] (2008 / English edition: 2009)
  • A Reinvenção do Uso da Ayahuasca nos Centros Urbanos (The Reinvention of the Use of Ayahuasca in Urban Centers) [with Sandra Lucia Goulart] (2004)
  • Editor
  • The Internationalization of Ayahuasca [with Henrik Jungaberle] (2011)
  • Ayahuasca y Salud (Ayahuasca and Health) [with José Carlos Bouso] (in press)
  • Ayahuasca, Ritual and Religion in Brazil [with Edward MacRae] (2010)
  • The Light from the Forest: The Ritual Use of Ayahuasca, Special Edition of Fieldwork in Religion, vol. 2, no. 3, 2006 [with Edward MacRae] (published 2008)
  • Drogas e Cultura: Novas Perspectivas (Drugs and Culture: New Perspectives) [with Maurício Fiore and Sandra Lucia Goulart] (2008)
  • O Uso Ritual das Plantas de Poder (The Ritual Use of Plants of Power) [with Sandra Lucia Goulart] (2004)
  • O Uso Ritual da Ayahuasca (The RItual Use of Ayahuasca) [with Wladimyr Sena Araúo] (1st ed. 2002 / 2nd ed. 2004)
  • Author of (Articles)
  • Ayahuasca Religions in Acre: Cultural Heritage in the Brazilian Borderlands. Anthropology of Consciousness, 23: 87-102. (2012)
  • Paradoxes of Ayahuasca Expansion: The UDV-DEA Agreement and the Limits of Freedom of Religion. Drugs: Education, Prevention & Policy, 19 (1), pp. 19-26. (2012)
  • "A Invenção do Tabu: Comentários Sobre o Episódio 'Segredos da Ayahuasca' da National Geographic", Página 20 (Apr 2012)
  • "The Shaman Who Turned Into a Frog: a Promise of Patented Medicine", (Aug 2012)
  • "Anthropology that Flourishes Outside the Academy: Anthony Henman and the San Pedro Cactus", (Jul 2012)
  • "Kambo: From the Forests of Acre to the Urban Centers" [with Edilene Coffaci de Lima], (May 2012)
  • "A Invenção do Tabu: Comentários Sobre o Episódio 'Segredos da Ayahuasca' da National Geographic", Página 20 (Apr 2012)
  • "Statement on Ayahuasca" [with B.T. Anderson, M. Meyer, K.W. Tupper, P.C.R. Barbosa, C.S. Grob, A. Dawson, and D. McKenna], International Journal of Drug Policy 23(3): 173-175 (2012)
  • "Plants, Psychoactive Substances and the INCB: The Control of Nature and the Nature of Control" [with K.W. Tupper], Human Rights and Drugs 2(1): 18-28 (2012)
  • "Ayahuasca Religions in Acre: Cultural Heritage in the Brazilian Borderlands", Anthropology of Consciousness 23(1): 87-102 (2012)
  • "Paradoxes of Ayahuasca Expansion: The UDV-DEA Agreement and the Limits of Freedom of Religion", Drugs: Education, Prevention, and Policy 19(1): 19-26 (2012)
  • "Ayahuasca and the Process of Regulation in Brazil and Internationally: Implications and Challenges" [with K. Feeney], International Journal of Drug Policy 23(2): 154-161 (2012)
  • "Comments on Brazil's 2010 Resolution Regulating Ayahuasca Use", Curare: Zeitschrift für Ethnomedizin und Transkulturelle Psychiatrie 34(4): 298-304 (2011)
  • "Tratamiento y Manejo de la Dependencia de Sustancias con Ayahuasca: Consideraciones para una Agenda de Investigación Interdisciplinaria" [with R. Santos, B. Anderson, M. Mercante, and P. Barbosa] (Aug 2011)
  • "Ayahuasca and the Process of Regulation in Brazil and Internationally: Implications and challenges" [with K. Feeney] (Aug 2011)
  • "Rhetoric Against Use of Hoasca Not Justified" [with M. Meyer] (Jun 2011)
  • "¿Porqué fue Liberado Taita Juan?" [with Gayle] (Jun 2011)
  • "Brazilian Ayahuasca Religions in Perspective" [with E. MacRae and S.L. Goulart]
  • "Cura, Cura, Cuerpecito [Heal, Heal, Little Body]: Reflections on the Therapeutic Possibilities of Ayahuasca" [with J.C. Bouso] (Jun 2011)
  • "Consumption of Ayahuasca by Children and Pregnant Women: Medical Controversies and Religious Perspectives", Journal of Psychoactive Drugs 43: 27-35 (2011)
  • "Tributo a Glauco Vilas Boas", Visión Chamanica [with A.M. Alvers Jr., I. Santana de Rose and J.A. Lemos] (Feb 2011)
  • "Mito, Antropologia e Teatro: Entrevista com o Antropólogo Pedro Cesarino", Ponto Urbe 7
  • "As Religiões Ayahuasqueiras, Patrimônio Cultural, Acre e Fronteiras Geográficas", Ponto Urbe 7
  • Conference Review: Notes on the "International Congress of Traditional Medicine, Interculturality, and Mental Health," Takiwasi Center, Tarapoto, Peru, June 7-10, 2009. Anthropology of Consciousness, 2 (1): 30-46.
  • "L'expansion Urbaine du Kampo (Phyllomedusa bicolor) au Brésil" [with E. Coffaci de Lima], In: Sébastien & Ghasarian, Christian (Eds). Des Plantes Psychotropes: Initiations, Thérapies et Quêtes de Soi, pp. 137-172 (2010)
  • "Tradução do Inglês para o Português do Episódio sobre o Santo Daime da Série Tabu da National Geographic" [with Marc Blainey] (2010)
  • "The Expansion of the Field of Research on Ayahuasca: Some Reflections about the Ayahuasca Track at the 2010 MAPS 'Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century Conference" [with Clancy Cavnar], International Journal of Drug Policy 22(2): 174-178 (2011)
  • "A Tribute to Glauco Vilas Boas: Beloved Brazilian Cartoonist and a Leader in the Santo Daime Religion, Slain in São Paulo" [with Antonio Marques Alves Jr., Isabel Santana de Rose and José Augusto Lemos], (Aug 2010)
  • "Espirais do mito e do teatro", Antropofagia Interculturalismo (Aug 2010)
  • "Thoughts on the Ayahuasca Track--Event Report: Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century", Erowid Extracts 18 [with Clancy Cavnar] (JUn 2010)
  • "Audiências em Brasília Discutem Tentativa de Proibição do Uso da Ayahuasca", Página 20 Online (Jun 2010)
  • "A Lamentável 'Reportagem' da Revista Veja Sobre a Morte de Glauco", Página 20 (Mar 2010)
  • "Caso Glauco: Cobertura com Muitos Equívocos", Obersvatório da Impresna (2010)
  • "A Outra Face de Glauco Vilas Boas, Líder Religioso do Santo Daime" [with A.M. Alves Jr. and I. Santana de Rose], Folha de S. Paulo (2010)
  • "Notas Sobre a Pseudo-Reportagem de Capa da Revista Isto É Sobre a Ayahuasca" (2010)
  • "Ayahuasca--De Droga Perigosa a Patrimônio Nacional: Entrevista com Antonio A. Arantes" [with I. Goldstein] (2010)
  • "Ayahuasca-From Dangerous Drug to National Heritage: An Interview with Antonio A. Arantes", [with I. Goldstein] (2010)
  • "1960s Media Coverage of Ayahuasca and the UDV: Notes on the Article 'Na Selva, um Místico Vende o Sonho' ['In the Forest, a Mystic Sells Dreams']" [with B. Anderson and M. Meyer] (Dec 2009)
  • "O LSD Caboclo: Notas Cobre a Reportagem 'Na Selva, um Místico Vende o Sonho'" [with B. Anderson and M. Meyer] (2009)
  • "Chamanismo y Ciencia en la Alta Amazonía Peruana" (2009)
  • "Short Glossary of the Terms Used in the União do Vegetal" [with M. Meyer and B. Anderson], (Jul 2009)
  • "Conference Review: Notes on the 'International Congress of Traditional Medicine, Interculturality, and Mental Health'", Takiwasi Center, Tarapoto, Peru, June 7-10 (2009)
  • "Religiões Ayahuasqueiras: Um Balanço Bibliográfico" [with R. Guimarães dos Santos and I. Santana de Rose]. Comunidade Virtual de Antropologia, Coluna n° 43 (Jun 2008)
  • "Considerações Sobre o Tratamento da Dependência por Meio da Ayahuasca" [with R. Guimarães dos Santos, M. Mercante, and P. Barbosa] (2008)
  • "Introdução do livro Drogas e Cultura: Novas Perspectivas" [with M. Fiore and S. Lucia Goulart] (2008)
  • "Bibliography of the Brazilian Ayahuasca Religions" [with R. Guimarães dos Santos, I. Santana de Rose, and G. Derix], MAPS Bulletin 12(1): 28-29 (2007)
  • "'Remédio da Ciência' e 'Remédio da Alma': Os Usos da Secreção do kambô (Phyllomedusa bicolor) nas Cidades" [with E. Coffaci de Lima], Campos 8(1): 71-90 (2007)
  • "Editorial" [with E. MacRae], Fieldwork in Religion (2006)
  • "Brazilian Literature on Ayahuasca Religions" [with K.W. Tupper], Fieldwork in Religion 2(3) (2006)
  • "A Expansão Urbana do Kampo (Phyllomedusa bicolor): Notas Etnográficas" [with Edilene Coffaci de Lima] (2006)
  • "Introdução" do livro O Uso Ritual das Plantas de Poder [with S. Lucia Goulart and H. Carneiro] (2005)
  • "As Origens Históricas do Santo Daime" [with G. Pacheco]. In: R.P. Venâncio, P. Renato, and H.S. Carneiro (Eds.) Ɓlcool e Drogas na História do Brasil. Belo Horizonte/São Paulo, Editora da PUC-Minas/Alameda, 231-255 (2005)
  • "O Pajé que Virou Sapo e Depois Promessa de Remédio Patenteado" (Apr 2005)
  • "Uma Antropologia que Floresce Fora da Academia: Anthony Henman e el Cactus San Pedrito" (2004)
  • "Conferência de Pajés na Amazônia" (n.d.)
  • "Viagem ao Encontro da Iboga" (n.d.)
  • "Piante che Curano", In: A. Bianchi, L. Cozzi, A. Speciale (orgs.). Forest Medicine: La Medicina Tradizionale una Risorsa da Conoscere. Milão, Centro Orientamento Educativo 87-90 (2003)
  • "Un Panorama del uso Ritual de la Ayahuasca en el Brasil Contemporáneo" (n.d.)
  • "A Experiência do Viajante-turista na Contemporaneidade", In: C. Serrano, H.T. Bruhns, and M.T.D.P. Luchiari (orgs.). Olhares Contemporâneos Sobre o Turismo. Papirus, Coleção Turismo, 55-80 (2000)
  • Audio
  • "EP 36 - Breaking Convention - Part 2" (contains Labate's Ayahuasca Track), Shroom with a View (2011)