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Andrew Weil
Photo by Harrod Blank
Andrew Weil
Photographer Unknown
Andrew Weil
Photo from From Chocolate to Morphine
Andrew Weil
Erowid Character Vaults
Andrew Weil
Andrew Weil was born in Philadelphia. He has a degree in botanical biology (1964) and an M.D. (1968), both from Harvard University. While at Harvard, Weil became aware of the work of Timothy Leary and Richard Alpert with psychedelic drugs and soon joined Lester Grinspoon on formal investigations of Cannabis.

A prolific author, several of Dr. Weil's books are on the topic of psychoactive plants and chemicals. He worked for the National Institute of Mental Health and for 15 years served as a research associate in ethnopharmacology at the Harvard Botanical Museum. Dr. Weil is an internationally recognized expert on medicinal herbs, mind-body interactions, and integrative medicine. He places great importance on diet, exercise, deep breathing, and peace of mind as the primary components of healing and living a healthy life.

Dr. Weil is the Founder and Director of the Program in Integrative Medicine at the University of Arizona, where he is also a Clinical Professor of Medicine, Professor of Public Health, and the Lovell-Jones Professor of Integrative Rheumatology. He also serves as editor-in-chief of the journal Integrative Medicine. He formed the Weil Foundation in 2004, with the mission to support integrative medicine by funding the training of physicians and other practitioners, public education, research, innovations in patient care, and policy reform.
Author of (Books & Recordings)
  • Why Our Health Matters: A Vision of Medicine That Can Transform our Future (2009)
  • Healthy Sleep (audio book, with Rubin Naiman) (2007)
  • The Healthy Brain Kit: Clinically Proven Tools to Boost Your Memory, Sharpen Your Mind, Keep Your Brain Young (with Gary Small) (2007)
  • Breathing: The Master Key to Self Healing (audio book) (2006)
  • Relax and de-Stress: Rest, Re-Balance, and Replenish with Classical Music for Healing (audio CD, with Joshua Leeds) (2006)
  • Dr. Andrew Weil's Mindbody Toolkit: Experience Self Healing With Clinically Proven Techniques (audio book) (2006)
  • Healthy Aging: Your Lifelong Guide to Physical and Spiritual Well-Being (2005, paperpack 2007)
  • Self-Healing With Sound & Music (audio CD, with Kimba Arem) (2005)
  • Heal Yourself With Medical Hypnosis: The Most Immediate Way to Use Your Mind-Body Connection! (audio book, with Steven Gurgevich) (2005)
  • Self-Healing With Guided Imagery: How to Use the Power of Your Mind to Heal Your Body (audio book, with Martin Rossman) (2004)
  • The Healthy Kitchen (with Rosie Daley) (2002, 2003)
  • Eating Well for Optimum Health (2000, paperback 2001)
  • 8 Weeks to Optimum Health (1997, 2002)
  • Vitamins and Minerals (Ask Dr. Weil) (1997)
  • Meditation for Optimum Health: How to Use Mindfulness and Breathing to Heal Your Body and Refresh Your Mind (audio book, with Jon Kabat-Zinn) (1997)
  • Spontaneous Healing (1995, paperback 2000)
  • Natural Health, Natural Medicine (1990, revised 2004)
  • What are the Causes of Drug Abuse (1985)
  • Health and Healing (1983, paperback 2004)
  • From Chocolate to Morphine (with Winifred Rosen) (1983, latest edition 2004)
  • Marriage of the Sun and the Moon (1980)
  • The Natural Mind (1972)
  • Videos
  • The Future of Psychedelic and Medical Marijuana Research, Psychedelic Science in the 21st Century (April 2010)