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Plants Well Used
Kratom, Passion Flower & Ashwagandha
Citation:   herbtest13. "Plants Well Used: An Experience with Kratom, Passion Flower & Ashwagandha (exp108120)". Mar 21, 2016.

3.5 g oral Kratom (capsule)
  2.5 g oral Passion Flower (capsule)
  1.5 g oral Ashwagandha (capsule)
I used ///kratom [superior white vein maeng da]///passionflower///ashwagandha///
3.5 g 2.5 g 1.5 g

I have tried each of these individually a couple times each at similar doses with very mild effects that were not worthwhile. So I have tried salvia divinorum, kratom 40x extract, kava in high doses, the herbal shot called unplugd, as well as many many less potent herbs like valerian, catnip, skullcap, blue lotus, etc. I would like to believe that I have a little experience with herbs. With that being said I am a good student in school and have been working on myself spiritually for a few years now. I was looking for an enjoyable experience when I took these.

At 1:00 pm I ingested the herbs in capsule form (which I did myself) 2 at a time because the capsules held about 0.6 grams each which meant there were roughly 12-14 capsules total. I then left my house to go to the movies to watch the new star wars movie with my little brother. He needed to stop on the way to get a few things from the store on the way. He went down to the store and I stayed in the car to charge my phone.

This is about 2:00 now and I all of a sudden start feeling a mild euphoria and a smile sprouts on my face because I know the effects have started. I start to feel my muscles feel calmly stimulated and all my thoughts in my head and tension in my body disappear. I feel no pain from a minor skateboarding accident (cuts, scrapes, and bruises only). The sun seems so bright and all the trees seem so strong. All colors of living things and bright colors are enhanced and brightened.

At 2:15 the effects are heightened especially the euphoria and color enhancement. I decide to close my eyes and meditate to see how I feel. There is no sound except silence. I can’t hear any cars in the parking lot or people talking. There is only me detached from reality and floating in empty dark space. Complete serenity and silence for an what felt like eternity. I meditated for maybe 10-15 minutes in the car and when I opened my eyes the sun burst thru the window with light and color. My eyes adjusted a second later but I did notice that colors were still brighter than before I closed my eyes.

It is about 2:30 ish now and all the effects are peaking. At this point I start to share smiles with random strangers passing by the car I was sitting in because I got the thought in my head that it would be mean not to share my appreciation of life with everyone around me. These effects lasted about 20 minutes at the peak and had a let down of about 2 hours. While I was watching star wars in the movie theater I was insanely intrigued by what was happening as well as very consumed by the war scenes. After the movie was done the effects had completely worn off but a good mood persisted for the rest of the day and I slept amazingly that night.

4:50 the experience ended

Now me looking back I remember hearing a distant music playing in my head during the whole experience.

Exp Year: 2016ExpID: 108120
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Mar 21, 2016Views: 16,607
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Passion Flower (121), Kratom (203), Ashwagandha (732) : Alone (16), Combinations (3)

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