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Reports from Feb 13 2020 - Feb 13 2020
All Reports
(11 Total)

Recommended Death's Doorstep Led to Life Everlasting TGatt Mushrooms 2020 Feb 13
Tastes Awful, but It Works Grondar Codeine 2020 Feb 13
It's Killed Any Withdrawal WorkingMan Opium Poppy Seeds & Grapefruit Juice 2020 Feb 13
Profound, Transcendental Carlton Brown Mushrooms - P. atlantis (sclerotia), Ritual, Fasting & Meditation 2020 Feb 13
Not Worth It a-mac Morphine 2020 Feb 13
Poor Man's Acid R Paulsen 25i-NBOMe 2020 Feb 13
In Which I Become a Little Amazon Indian rasputin1963 1cP-LSD 2020 Feb 13
Grinding It Up Richie Morning Glory 2020 Feb 13
Back in Touch With My Emotions Danceriddle Huasca Combo (Syrian Rue & Mimosa tenuiflora) 2020 Feb 13
The DMTrain to Hell Jake DMT 2020 Feb 13
Horrible Muscle Tension on Comedown Filo 1cP-LSD 2020 Feb 13

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Experience Reports are the writings and opinions of the authors who submit them. Some of the activities described are dangerous and/or illegal and none are recommended by Erowid Center.

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