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Because I Need to Concentrate on My Work
Citation:   extronik. "Because I Need to Concentrate on My Work: An Experience with Modafinil (exp100047)". Erowid.org. Jan 5, 2018. erowid.org/exp/100047

  oral Modafinil (daily)
My First Experience

I've tried different mind altering drugs throughout my lifetime, but currently I'm just an alcohol guy. I decided to try Modafinil after reading an interesting article about it in a magazine and later thoroughly researching the subject. I got my Modafinil quite easily from a website in India. It arrived one late afternoon, but knowing the long halflife it has, I waited until the next morning to try it out. I should add I've been taking the drug every day now, this is my fifth straight day on it.

On the first day, I was expecting many things to happen which didn't, and most important, lots happened that I wasn't expecting at all, all favorably. Since I am on medication for high blood pressure, I carefully monitored the effect of Modafinil on my blood pressure
Since I am on medication for high blood pressure, I carefully monitored the effect of Modafinil on my blood pressure
throughout the first two days and to a lesser frequency, up until today. I can report it has had no effect on my blood pressure, which is fantastic.

I took 200 mg with a full glass of water and a full breakfast at 08:00 hours. I started feeling its effects a half hour later. It's kind of hard to describe the effects, but it's like that of amphetamines, with a feeling that explodes before hallucinating with LSD. Let me make it clear. There is no hallucination, of course, but music sounds better and colors look brighter. Peak effect is around 2.5 hours and at hour 4 it's really going on strong.

Why am I taking Modafinil? Because I am a procrastinator and need to concentrate on my work. I tend to leave everything for the last minute and get distracted very easily. But most of all, I easily get tired when concentrating on my report writing. I have yet to notice the effects it may have on my writing and research concentration, although what I have been doing has gotten me into a high degree of concentration. As a matter of fact, it has been awesome for me, much better than what I had thought would happen. I should say I easily get stuck on a subject and I must write what I want to do so I won't get distracted. However, I can concentrate to a degree I had not experienced in years.

Any effect of tiredness is gone. I feel quite alert and good humored, zero sleepiness throughout the day and until late at night. I have completely lost my appetite. I eat a small breakfast, zero lunch, and a small meal late in the afternoon. I drink lots of water, like a 0.5 lt bottle every hour, much like when I used to take MDMA. I am sleeping around six hours at night, never waking up every two hours like before.

On the second day onwards, I increased the dose to the 200 mg at 08:00 with breakfast, a second 200 mg four hours later at noon and a third 200 mg at 4:00 in the afternoon, all of this to keep the high I get, which is quite intense, but with no ill effect, no jittery nerves, no crash, no anxiety, no loss of reality. All I feel is a very dry mouth. Yesterday, the third dose I took at almost 8:00 PM and went to bed at 3:00 AM, waking up today at 9:00.

In conclusion, Modafinil and I have hit it quite well. Last night I even got bolder and drank 3 scotches in the evening, and I make them strong. I got alcohol high separately from the Modafinil high and could feel both highs didn't mix at all. In conclusion, I haven't felt any negative effects, driving is amazing, all I do seems I can do sharply, I love the feeling I have, I would love to try it out at a concert.

I plan to rest on its use to a smaller dose and not everyday.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100047
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 69
Published: Jan 5, 2018Views: 3,285
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Modafinil (217) : General (1), First Times (2), Performance Enhancement (50), Retrospective / Summary (11), Workplace (51)

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