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The Pitbull of Research Chemicals
by JFyo
Citation:   JFyo. "The Pitbull of Research Chemicals: An Experience with MDPV (exp100218)". Erowid.org. Jun 19, 2013. erowid.org/exp/100218

T+ 0:00
10 mg insufflated MDPV (powder / crystals)
  T+ 2:00 10 mg insufflated MDPV (powder / crystals)
'Ride the dragon, walk with the dragon, or lead the dragon; but never chase the dragon.'

A little bio, I am about 200 pounds, male, an also recovering addict. I have experience with several other drugs and RCs, but MDPV had really taken hold of me in the past, been a very fiendish MDPV user in the past, which always results in a horrid crash followed by days of agony and craving.

The title says it all. MDPV is indeed the pitbull of RCs, it is all about the way I treat the drug. In the past I had binged on tan PV and slipped into a psychotic state.

ººººº/M/D/P/V//D/E/S/C/R/I/P/T.》1 Gram《
》Strong semen-like smell.《
》Consistancy is a very odd《 fluffy/crystalline white powder.
》MDPV <90% PURE《


•A banana for each of us to eat tonight.
•24 Pack of 12 oz water bottles.
For us to drink every 2 hours.
•10MG(M) and 5MG(F)for every 2 hours until 6:00AM
•A bong along with <1G BHO for an ATTEMPT to come down
•6x 25mg Benadryl

×××××Testing the MDPV×××××
[00:00]>15mg insuffiated
[00:15]> Euphoria is strong, but nothing like Tan MDPV
[00:30]>Going to use this focus to draw up a plan for me and my fiance.

[01:00] Still strongly mentally stimulated as well as physically.
[02:00]Comedown left me wanting 'just one more line!!'
I'm fighting the urge, I know I won't regret that.


1▪ Determine whether I can resist the urge to redose.

2▪To find a comfortable dose and intervals to redose at.
★5-10MG every 2 hours with a bottle of water for every line★

3▪Find a good dose to treat my ADHD with.
★15MG orally at 5AM and then at 12PM makes my job extremely pleasant with no bad side effects. I sleep at around 10PM.★

4▪Making the comedown less dreadful.
★Follow 1 and 2★

[01:00]Kick the night off with a 10mg line to get rolling, 5mg for her. Much less nasal burn, not looking forward the drip.

--Bananas eaten--

[1:05]▶Comfortably stimulated, both very talkative and. She is absorbed in her phone, I have to remind her to blink.

[1:45]▶Got sucked into Call of Duty, time doesn't even seem to cross my mind while I play, extremely focused.

--We both have ADHD--

[2:30]▶Euphoria has just recently began to fade. EXTREMELY tempted to redose. The stimulation feels similar to Ritalin, better read while I still can, browsing the internet reading many other people's experiences.

[2:50]▶ Coming down from what I've determined to be the plateau,Desire to redose is strong for me, but I don't want to teach her bad habits, like breaking your own rules.

[2:55]▶ Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

[3:00]▶10/5 MG nasal. No problem.


3:15> I suggest we watch porn, I know exactly what this is going to lead to. Will try and take note of anything worth knowing about it effects on our sexual performance.


(M/F)Sex drive is way up,
(M)Took forever for me to cum, almost lost hope,
(M/F) Very empathetic sex

!-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-CONs !-!-!-!-!-!-!-!-
(M/F) Vasoconstriction and possible Erectile DF
(M/F) Increased BPM
(M/F) Profuse sweating
(M) Lost erection during breaks
(M/F) Dry mouth

[4:55]▶ H20!

[5:00]▶She decides to put the PV away for the night to see if sleeping is plausible.

[5:05]▶ Desperately needed bathroom break, urine is clear but smells like MDPV.

[6:00]▶Seems that we both are having a bit of an uncomfortable comedown, despite being physically exhausted we are mentally awake. The fiend in me keeps asking for 'just a bump', I dont plan on telling her the comedown can be alleviated by redosing.

[7:30]▶(F)She feels mentally drained and her body is restless.

[8:30]▶ She is taking 50mg of Benadryl and few bong hits.(BHO)

[9:45]▶ She is asleep, back down to a normal 85 BPM.


!!!!!!!!!!! I have never been able to fall asleep after using any kind of psychoactive chemical. My mind doesn't stop running !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

[12:00]▶I dozed off around this time

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 100218
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jun 19, 2013Views: 7,894
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