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On the Edge of the Portal
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   VoodooGirl. "On the Edge of the Portal: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp100264)". Apr 15, 2020.

2 hits smoked DMT
    smoked Cannabis
My roommate and I recently acquired about 500 mg. of DMT, the 'spirit molecule' as it is referred to. After doing much research on proper technique and browsing many 'trip reports', we decided to take the plunge into what was hopefully to be one of the best trips we've had thus far.

As this is my own personal experience, I will omit my roommate's reaction to the DMT as well as his experience. Suffice to say, he had a 'good trip'.

It was a cloudy day, around 6:30 pm. There was not much natural light coming in through the shades. We had our low-wattage, amber lights on in the dining room as I sat at the table preparing. The only beings present were myself, my roommate, and his cat. I packed a bowl of marijuana in my pipe, just a bit of weed in the bottom, topped with approx 100 mg of DMT, then a little more weed on top, creating a sort of DMT/Weed 'sandwich' (according to my research, this is a common method although better trips have been reported using different techniques).

I am not 100% sure about the amount of DMT used as we do not have a scale.
I am not 100% sure about the amount of DMT used as we do not have a scale.
Judging by the amount we started with (500mg) and the amount I used (about a 1/5 of the powder), I loosely estimated 100 mg.

I sparked the bowl and took a long, deep hit, holding it in for about 20 seconds. I felt nothing at first. I should mention that I tried smoking the previous night (different method; the first time I tried freebasing the DMT, and did not use quite as much as this time) with no real effects, other than a little bit of movement in the patterns on the ceiling above my bed. My initial attempt at smoking the night before ended when I first tasted the DMT, which I thought tasted like mothballs... I was not expecting the taste and ended up coughing and losing most of the smoke from that first hit. I was beginning to become disappointed, as I had heard and read several outstanding trip reports, including my roommate who experienced a 'good trip' the night prior. Then I took the second hit...

The effects immediately hit me, and I decided to move from the dining room to my bedroom. I had the sudden urge to be very comfortable, so I retreated to my bed and cocooned myself in a blanket. Walking from the dining room to my bedroom was interesting. I was looking down at my feet, which seemed very far away, and I pondered why I felt so much taller than I am. I made it to my bed and my lovely blanket, and found the ceiling patterns to be swirling again, this time faster and more vividly.

I did not experience great shining lights or geometric patterns as I have read some do, but I did catch strange light trails from my peripheral vision. Every time I tried to turn my head and look at the light patterns directly, they would disappear, and reappear just at the corner of my sight, just out of my direct line of vision. It was around this time I began to note the noise. It started as a humming at first, a barely-present din. Normal sounds, such as the air coming through the floor vents, became VERY apparent. There was a low buzzing, and my ears started ringing loudly. It was as though my ears were trying to pick up every sound of everything around me, and it was all slowly reaching a tolerable crescendo as the light trails grew brighter, but still not within my direct line of vision.

As the sounds became louder, I got the distinct feeling that I was falling, but not falling... somehow, traveling downward, but not quickly, not propelled by gravity. Almost like floating or hovering, but neither word accurately describes the feeling of motion I was experiencing. I got the impression that I was traveling through a dark tunnel. Like I was being pulled along, but gently. I should mention that at this point it was almost completely dark outside. My bedroom light was off, but my closet door was opened with the closet light on. As I became more and more aware that I wasn't quite in my realm of reality anymore, I pulled my blanket closer around me and focused on the square of light coming from my open closet door and felt as though I was traveling through this dark tunnel with the present/not present light trails sort of guiding me toward the edge of something amazing. All the while, I had thoughts, SO MANY thoughts running through my brain.

I have yet to really put everything together, and little pieces of it return to me slowly. I felt the need to be comforted, and I thought of my mother. I felt the need to be held and imagined being in my mother's arms. I thought of my family and how I could never explain to them how everything in the known universe is connected
I thought of my family and how I could never explain to them how everything in the known universe is connected
, and how there are SO many other things happening around us, always.

While traveling through this 'tunnel', I got the impression that there was life buzzing all around me, nothing I could see or touch or feel, but presences, all moving quickly as though they had places to go. This was just a feeling I had of things going on, as I said; I never actually 'saw' the beings. I definitely felt a presence, however.

I was so close to breaking through, right on the threshold of all this wonderful madness, wanting badly to reach the other side. In my state, I was neither scared or excited, sort of apprehensive about approaching this threshold, but also very much wanting to see what was on the other side.

Around this time, my roommate's cat jumped on my bed and rubbed against my face, bringing me back down to reality. Only 20 minutes had elapsed, though it seemed much longer.

The after-effects were mindboggling, which is to say that my mind definitely felt BOGGLED. I am still trying to process the feelings, emotions, and information that I believe I learned while in the ether. Basically I feel as though this were validation that there is so much going on within us, around us, and beyond, that we will never be able to fully comprehend.

There was so much I wanted to convey to my roommate, but I couldn't find the words at the time. I have tried to accurately describe the events in this report, but there are still many things I am unsure of.

What it all boils down to is that I definitely had a 'good trip', and am planning on trying this again (with my bedroom door closed to avoid distraction.)

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100264
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 27
Published: Apr 15, 2020Views: 666
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DMT (18) : First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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