Worse than Panic
Citation:   Fleur. "Worse than Panic: An Experience with Cannabis (exp100265)". Erowid.org. Jul 9, 2019. erowid.org/exp/100265

1 cig. smoked Cannabis
Last night, I had one of the worst experiences of my life after smoking weed. This was about the fifth time I had done so. I'm assuming I had a severe panic attack, but I've never had one like this before.

It lasted about six hours. It started off well enough, until my heart started to beat a bit faster than normal. I freaked out, which didn't help matters. Soon my heart felt like it was going to crash right out of my chest, but the worst was the feeling of sheer terror I was feeling. I literally felt like I was going to die, right here, right now. I had my phone in my hands and was about to dial 9-1-1.

I calmed down after about 15 minutes, and realized no one ever dies from smoking weed. I even laughed a little. All of a sudden though, nothing felt real anymore. I was in a dream, and not in a good way. My heart was racing again, and I panicked even more. I knew I wasn't dying, but the dream-like feeling scared the shit out of me.
I knew I wasn't dying, but the dream-like feeling scared the shit out of me.
I thought it would never end, that I'd stay like this forever. I kept checking the time, waiting for it to stop. I took out my phone a few more times, just barely resisting the temptation to call an ambulance. I kept mumbling to myself 'I'm real... I'm real... I'm real' over and over again. Every few minutes I'd snap out of it, but only for a few seconds.

I knew I was having a panic attack, but somehow I just couldn't shake it. Horrible paranoid thoughts kept invading my head, my heart just wouldn't stop going crazy, and of course that horrible fear.

After a few hours the 'lucid' periods grew longer and more frequent than the 'dream' periods, until they subsided and I went to sleep.

I woke up feeling relatively normal, but I'm probably never going to smoke weed again. I've never reacted this way to any other substance and I still don't know why this happened to me.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100265
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 22
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 619
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Cannabis (1) : Difficult Experiences (5), Health Problems (27), Unknown Context (20)

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