Time That Has Passed So Fast
Citation:   lifelongexperience. "Time That Has Passed So Fast: An Experience with Opioids/Opiates (exp100312)". Erowid.org. Feb 20, 2019. erowid.org/exp/100312

My introduction to online drug information was in the summer of 2003, I was 16. I was bored and so were my friends, and it seemed like an answer. In a small town where illicit drugs other than weed were very scarce, otc's seemed the answer. A group of a half dozen young men started experimenting with all the legal highs.

Started with legal highs, moved to the city and began with the narcotics. Usual cycle oral - insuffulated - smoked - IV. In the last 10 years I've spent 4 of them on methadone maintenance, which ended january 2010. Which began the downward cycle of IV drug use.

This is now the upcoming summer of 2013, turning 27. Just got released from a local provincial jail. Serving a sentence fueled by an expensive daily IV coke/opiate habit.

For the most part I did not stay in contact with my high school friends. Little did I know one of them was on methadone, and yesterday found out that a close friend of mine from the past od'ed at the age of 26. Half of my circle of friends including me have nearly died with IV opiate use.

I woke up this morning ate 3 mg of clonazepam to sit down and write this report. Younger ones please play safe and in reality, because with lack of attention you never know what may happen.

Exp Year: 2004-2013ExpID: 100312
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 26
Published: Feb 20, 2019Views: 790
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Opiates (207), Opioids (407) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Addiction & Habituation (10), Not Applicable (38)

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