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A Lovely Little Nut
Citation:   BlazaeBleeze. "A Lovely Little Nut: An Experience with Nutmeg (exp10038)". Jul 12, 2005.

9 nuts oral Nutmeg
Well I've been reading everyone else's reports and I frankly I just don't understand you people. I've tried nutmeg several times now (maybe 3 or so), and every time is a positive experience. The most I've done was the nine nuts. So I just popped 'em in and chewed them. Six hours later it came on…right on time. Generally felt pretty stoned, but a little different than a weed high. Think a lot different, and no annoying dry mouth and such. By the way, everyone who bitches the taste needs to get over it; big deal. Get it down, and take it like a man…or woman. So basically I have this good stoned feeling for six hours, real pleasant sleep, and then I make sure I'm up and moving and don't sleep in too long. Because then I'm good as new…and even better! For the next two days I generally feel…different. In a good way - always just comfortable, and everything is all good. Yes, while you're stoned the old eyes might get pretty red, but I think the key to nutmeg is just don't let yourself sleep too long and you'll be fine. Now I wouldn't do nutmeg all the time just because it does take 6 hours to kick in, it sort of lasts a long time, and I have read that the oil in it causes damage to the kidney or something if you use it too much. But otherwise it's my cup of tea. Peace.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10038
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 12, 2005Views: 12,735
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Nutmeg (41) : Not Applicable (38), Retrospective / Summary (11)

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