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Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole
Citation:   Big Rig. "Tumbling Down the Rabbit Hole: An Experience with Ketamine (exp100487)". Dec 27, 2018.

150-300 mg insufflated Ketamine (powder / crystals)
I snort a fat 3 inch long line, I get about 2/3 of it down the hatch and then I switch nostrils for the rest of it. Whoa my nose and my sinus' are on fire. My eyes are watering. Ok, lets lay back on the bed. Now it feels like lava is pouring into the back of my head and down my throat. Lets sit back up so that will stop.

I start to feel very slow and heavy, more sedated than I have ever been in my life. I sit and wait for a few minutes, and I am still very aware of what is going on, and what my friends are doing around me. My friend brings the mirror over to me with an even fatter and longer line chopped up and ready for me. I have a hard time aiming the rolled up bill to the line, I try and snort it but the tip was too far from the line and I don't get anything. My friend tells me to get closer and try again. I go for it, and this time I get the whole line in one nostril without pause. Ok, this time it didn't hurt.

A few minutes go by and whoooooa. I fall farther down the rabbit hole than I have ever been. I feel like I am sinking in to the bed. I am about 50 feet below ground, staring up at a pure white ceiling. If there were visuals, I couldn't describe them to you. I wasn't on earth anymore. Earth no longer existed. My body no longer existed. It was on autopilot. Every once in awhile my lungs would surprise me by taking a very slow and deep breath.
Every once in awhile my lungs would surprise me by taking a very slow and deep breath.
Some time would go by, and I'd feel like I hadn't been breathing the whole time, and then I would once again take another breath. My mind was free from my body, completely disconnected, drifting through consciousness and unconsciousness, no longer aware of what drug I had taken. I was at peace, while simultaneously fighting to stay alive. It was a complete and total level 5 psychedelic experience.

I woke up several hours later, still feeling rather immobile. The inside of my nose still felt like it was stuffed with powder. I remarked to my friends that we should pick my nose, and chop lines with all the ketamine boogers so we could get high again.

[Reported Dose: "150-300mg"]

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100487
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Dec 27, 2018Views: 646
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Ketamine (31) : General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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