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My Memories From This Night Are Very Sparse
Alcohol & Cannabis
by lilu
Citation:   lilu. "My Memories From This Night Are Very Sparse: An Experience with Alcohol & Cannabis (exp100585)". May 7, 2019.

T+ 0:00
1 bowl smoked Cannabis
  T+ 24:00   repeated oral Alcohol
  T+ 24:00 1 bowl smoked Cannabis
High at a Music Festival

This year was my 4th time to attend a large music festival. The first two years, I was sober other than a little alcohol, the next we brought edibles, and this year I bought weed onsite. This was by far the most potent I had ever experienced.

The first day I was my usual level of experience pretty much all day. I feel giggly and have this wonderful body high that makes me super sensitive to touch and vibration.
I feel giggly and have this wonderful body high that makes me super sensitive to touch and vibration.
I loved the feeling of lying down and feeling the vibration of the music through the ground.

The next day, we had considerably more alcohol, but I smoked about the same amount during the day with relatively.the same effect. That night, however, is when things started to get weird. I started to have visual and auditory hallucinations - most memorably I was seeing trails, bright flashes of color, and I would see the faces of people I know in strangers. At this same time, I started to become very disoriented. I would forget where I was and what I was doing which would lead me to questioning who I was. My memories from this night are very sparse and are more like photographs. I remember entire slices of sensory experience (the beat of the music, the smell of the crowd, the heavy sensation of being unable to move, the sight of the lights from the stage and the couple making out in front of me, the feeling that my bra was too tight, the tingly sensation in my hands and legs,and my confusion about where and who I was).

It was very strange. I remember waking up the next morning still high and very sick (which isnt fun at a festival...). I had even less memory of the night then and kept telling my friend that I felt 'fragmented' because that was the only word that seemed right.

I've smoked it again, but have not even come close to that effect again. I'm thinking the strange experience may have had more to do with the incredibly powerful situation of being at a late night EDM show than the weed alone. Other than being incredibly disorienting, I was never anxious or scared.
Other than being incredibly disorienting, I was never anxious or scared.

The intense sensory experience was great - just wish I remembered more of it!

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100585
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 25
Published: May 7, 2019Views: 523
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Cannabis (1) : Combinations (3), General (1), Festival / Lg. Crowd (24)

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