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Only Questions Nothing More
DMT & Methylone
by x0
Citation:   x0. "Only Questions Nothing More: An Experience with DMT & Methylone (exp100707)". Erowid.org. Jun 2, 2021. erowid.org/exp/100707

T+ 0:00
1 hit vaporized DMT
  T+ 0:00 200 mg oral Methylone
  T+ 2:10 1 hit vaporized DMT
  T+ 4:10 3 hits vaporized DMT
I had woken up that morning the same as always, preparing for my shift at work. While at work, a friend of mine told me he had acquired the DMT we had been searching for. I was immediately enthralled and couldn't wait to meet him and begin our journey.

Shortly after I got off of work, I headed to his house and we left to get materials to make 'The Machine'. We got everything together and headed to another friend's house. All of us had expressed interest in DMT, and we decided we would at least try together. The two friends that I met there were not able to hold in the hits, and nothing happened for them. I had a very intense near breakthrough, and the friend that I will now call 'J' did as well. (J is the one mentioned in the first part.) We head back to J's house.

While at J's house, we took roughly 200mg of Methylone (M1) and decided to play some Call of Duty while we waited a bit to try the DMT again as we didn't want any kind of tolerance. The Methylone was very mild, but a nice feeling.

Roughly two hours after we arrived, we decided it was time. I charged the machine with 60mg for J, and he took the hit. He laid down, and I sat on the floor with my headphones and listened to some Emancipator, attempting to clear my head for the coming experience. 10 minutes later, J sat up, and said he didn't make it.

My turn. I charged the machine with 50mg and took the hit. I immediately felt it more than I had before, and laid down and closed my eyes. I saw brilliant swirling patterns of oranges, yellows, reds, and greens. I saw a woman, made of orange light. She was beautiful, amazing, and astounding. I asked her who she was. 'I am all'. 'What does that mean?', I responded. 'I am all, and all is me. You are me, as we are all life'. I asked 'How can I live?'. 'Live to love the earth, do not expect the earth to love you until you can do the same. Remain curious and skeptical in all things'. I said 'I don't want to leave you'. She said 'You must always leave, but you may return. I have much to teach'. I asked 'Can I learn everything?'. She responded 'No, you are not made to learn everything'. I said 'I wish to learn'. She said 'I know, but I must leave you now'. I was back to reality.

J decided he wanted to try another breakthrough, so we waited an hour and a half, smoked a cigarette, and tried again. We charged the machine with 60mg of DMT again, and he took the hit. He was not able to break through yet again.

I decided I would try again as well. We waited roughly 30 minutes, and charged 50mg of DMT into the machine. I told my friend J I wanted to go further, and he said he would try to help that. He used two lighters to vaporize the DMT, while I pulled in a massive hit, then another, and another.

I remembered nothing. Everything was black, and then I woke up. 'What? What is this?'.
J says 'You're okay man. You need to relax'.
'What? Who... what...? I... I don't understand.'
J says 'You will soon. Do you remember what happened?'.
'I... I don't know anything... what... what are we? who are we? what is this? what is anything? I don't understand my voice. I don't understand this..'.

J says 'It's okay. You will understand very soon. You took DMT'.
'What?.. What is that? What is time? Life? I don't understand. What is this? What is this J?'
J says 'This is DMT, and you're going to be fine.'
'How do you know? Are you this? Am I you? What is anything? I don't understand. I don't understand at all.'
J Says 'You won't be able to for a long time. As time goes by, you will understand more'
'I don't want to wait, I need to know now. I don't like this. You.. you have... my car... I don't... I don't know what anything is...'
J Says ' It's okay. Everything is going to be okay.'
'How do we know? How can I trust you? How do I know you are good? Are you real?
J says 'I am real. You just have to trust that I am a good person and I have your best interest in mind'
'Okay... I think I know. I don't know. I don't know anything.'
J: 'You will.'

'I... I want to see M'
J: 'Who?'
J: 'Is that your friend from Canada?'
'Yes. Maybe. What is Canada? I don't understand. Where are we?'
J: 'We're in my house. Canada is very far away, but she is your friend and she is safe right now'
'Okay... Okay good... I think I understand some things now'
J: 'Good. You'll understand more as you come back.'
'Will I ever come back?'
J: 'Of course. You always come back. This has happened before. Do you remember LSA?'
'I think. Maybe'
J: 'Do you remember camping? We went camping and did LSA. You were in a similar state to this.'
'I don't know. Maybe.'

At this point, I am trying to figure out what my body is. I ask J, and he just says that it is what we are. My hands are moving erratically around my body trying to figure out what everything is, and they end up inside my mouth a couple of times. I was trying to figure out what I was, really.

'I don't understand how we are communicating. I don't understand what is in my head versus what is spoken. How do I know I am not speaking but I am sometimes?'
J: 'Our voices let us communicate with others, by using languages that we have known our whole life'
'Who made that? How do I know it? Why am I here right now?'
J: 'Would you like me to recap the day?'
'Yes. Very much so'

J gives a brief synoposis of what happened, and I start to remember some of my life.
'I remember... I need to get my car fixed... I have... family? people? other than us?'
J: 'Yes. There are many people. We are simply ones that choose to experience things that no other people do'
'I never want to experience this again'
J: 'That is fine. I completely understand. You're going to be okay.'
J: 'You did DMT again and didn't break through. Do you remember what that means?'
'Yes. I think. Maybe. Did I do it before?'
J: 'Yes, you did. You broke through before. Would you like me to read you what you told me happened?'
'Yes, please.'

J recaps the events of my first breakthrough, as I told him what happened as soon as I was back from it.
'That was nothing like this. What happened this time?'
J: 'I think there was a ton of residual DMT inside of the machine. The machine is how we consume the DMT. You probably consumed at least 200mg.'

At this point, we sit there and I am still trying to make sense of my body, especially my legs. They don't make any sense, but nothing did at that point.

'How long until I am back to normal? What is normal?'
J: 'I don't know, but it won't be long. We just have to wait.'
We talked a bit more about my life, trying to get me to recollect. It had been 30 minutes since the DMT was taken. It took an hour before I felt even remotely normal again.

I started to regain my understanding of the world. Until then, it was pure confusion and madness. I questioned my sanity multiple times, wondering if something terrible had happened and I was going to be like this forever. There was much to our conversation that I could not remember simply because of the nature of my mind at that point. It was all me questioning everything that was happening. Questions like 'What is this? Who are you? What is happening?' were repeated multiple times. J said I repeated many things at least 100 times to him. He told me, but I just didn't understand his answers.

About 1 hour after the dose was taken, I was at least back to operating function. I got onto an IRC room and asked someone who was very experienced with DMT that had given me much advice prior about what just happened. He told me I was too afraid, and needed to accept reality how it was presented. He was right. If I had simply relaxed, laid back, and closed my eyes, I may have had a very powerful trip. However, this scared me. It scared me beyond anything. I did close my eyes once and felt myself melting away. I didn't want to melt away, I thought it would be permanent.

A complete void of understanding, and a complete void of reality. DMT is a very powerful substance and you should exercise care when using it. Always discharge the machine by hitting it without charging it after a long session, as you don't know how much may be left in.

I apologize if this is difficult to read, as it is my first report, and this is approximately 9 hours after it happened.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100707
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jun 2, 2021Views: 434
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DMT (18) : Combinations (3), Entities / Beings (37), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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