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Could Really Feel It in My Cheek Bones
Cacti - columnar (T. grandiflorus)
Citation:   J.R. DePew. "Could Really Feel It in My Cheek Bones: An Experience with Cacti - columnar (T. grandiflorus) (exp100768)". Feb 6, 2022.

12 g oral Cacti - columnar (dried)
Trichocereus Grandiflorus Cactus

I am a Cherokee Shaman and published author of Hawaii’s first MMJ newspaper. I regularly use entheogenic psychedelics of all kinds and have a back-round of over 18 years of experience. There has been a lot of controversy over whether the “Trichocereus grandiflorus” cactus is psychoactive or not.

I grew a Trichocereus grandiflorus cactus 6 inches tall with a width of 4 inches that has 3 smaller ones growing beside it. I took the small ones which I noticed had dark green throughout the entire inside of the cactus promising that there are more concentrated alkaloids in the baby ones. I de-spined them, dried them to where they only weighed out to about 12 grams. I ate them on an empty stomach after properly fasting.

Noticed an immediate head change in only 10 minutes flat. Could really feel it in my cheek bones and facial muscles as a sure sign that mescaline was absolutely present as could ever be. With eyes closed several rainbow colors flowed freely as the euphoria reached a peak at the 3’rd hour and slowly tapered off around 4 or 5 hours later, totaling about an 8 hour experience in all. Compared to your typical San Pedro cactus this Trichocereus grandiflorus was a lot stronger and was more like the potency of a Peruvian Torch cactus. This is a wonderful species and the high is very nice indeed. I am looking forward to taking an extremely large dose ranging somewhere around 30 grams in my “sweat-lodge” as this is how much trust this cactus after trying a small dose.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100768
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 32
Published: Feb 6, 2022Views: 506
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