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Don't Stand Up Too Fast
Citation:   C. Snap. "Don't Stand Up Too Fast: An Experience with Ephedrine (exp10077)". Jul 12, 2005.

10 tablets oral Ephedrine (pill / tablet)
I was chilling at my sister's house one night at 12:00, about half an hour after smoking a J with my friends, when my sister offered me some Ephedrine. She said she had done it a couple times before, and spoke about it like it was really minor, and encouraged me to take a lot. I definitely trusted her, seeing as she is my drug mentor, and she has experience with every drug I've ever heard of. I figured the buzz would be lame, and nothing worth doing too often, so I went along with it, and took the ten tablets she gave me. My sister has also been working as a pharmacy tech for the past 4 years, and I definitely trusted her judgement when it came to dosage. So about 1 hour after ingestion, I felt a mild ecstasy-like high, very alert, and with a pleasant body feeling. This lasted for another 2 hours, but when I got home the pleasantness trailed off into nausea, and severe dizziness when standing. I tried to fall asleep at around 3:30 am, but after several hours of feeling like crap, and not being able to sleep at all, I started to worry. I was sick the whole day, and only left my bed to pee, and once to throw up in the evening.

Standing up too quick was also a big mistake while recovering from my ephedrine O.D, one uncool thing that happened, was while I was watching Fear & Loathing in my room, I got up quick to answer my mom's knock at the door. After talking to her briefly, I started to close the door and felt very heavy, and out of it. I closed the door all the way, then I blinked, and heard a loud noise, and when I opened my eyes I was sitting on the floor and my face kinda hurt. I realized that once the door was closed I passed out, fell forward, and smashed my face on the door knob. This really pissed me off, because I realized I could've gotten seriously injured, all because I took too much of a crappy legal high, and I stood up a little too fast. Be careful you guys.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10077
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 12, 2005Views: 27,060
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Ephedrine (23) : Overdose (29), First Times (2), Alone (16)

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