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My Brain Was a Second Behind My Body
Citation:   Shapes. "My Brain Was a Second Behind My Body: An Experience with Cannabis (exp100789)". Apr 9, 2020.

  smoked Cannabis (plant material)
Great Experience

The first time I smoked weed I smoked 4 grams of Chronic out of a bubbler. The effects were almost immediate. It was like my brain was a second behind my body.I moved my arms and it did not seem as if I did, like they moved a second before I thought they would. I felt also as if I was dreaming. More of a distortion of time. It was an amazing feeling. I didn't feel as if everything was funny, but I would laugh for no reason. I could not stop. It was so much easier to socialize and I was full of energy. The effect's lasted for a couple hours. I was able to hold myself though I didn't feel as if I lost control of everything. I could still think clearly. I had no hangover or withdrawal or any side effects.

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 100789
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 13
Published: Apr 9, 2020Views: 700
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