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Not Horrible, Not Amazing, Slightly Interesting
Cannabis - Hash
Citation:   Kryten. "Not Horrible, Not Amazing, Slightly Interesting: An Experience with Cannabis - Hash (exp100790)". Sep 21, 2018.

2-3 hits smoked Cannabis - Hash (tar / resin)
BODY WEIGHT: 11.5 st
I bought a gram of squidgy black, it's a sticky black resin. (At time of report fully legal in my country.) I got a very small amount and rolled it into a ball, probably no more than 1-2mms in diameter and placed it in my bong with ice in.

Using a normal lighter, I got it to burn and took between 2-3 full hits, and I held them in for at least 10 seconds. By full hits, I mean the bong was full of smoke. It came on very quickly, no less than a minute after the first hit.

My heart started fluttering, I feel a tingling throughout my body. I can't say this was immediately pleasant, I was worrying that I was having a heart attack, it wasn't painful, it just didn't feel right. My mouth became very dry. I became slower and more zoned out. Although I think that was made more prominent because I was listening to music with my headphones. (Tycho - Dive)

I was very zoned out, I temporarily forgot things. At one point I felt close to being sick, I tried to eat a biscuit and couldn't because I felt sick.

After the first hour the effects started to slowly fade. The whole experience lasted about 2 hours.

I would give it a 6/10 - Not horrible, not amazing, slightly interesting.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100790
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Sep 21, 2018Views: 956
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Cannabis - Hash (93) : General (1), Unknown Context (20)

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