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Can Be Scary
MDMA & Cannabis
Citation:   fellowcharm. "Can Be Scary: An Experience with MDMA & Cannabis (exp100877)". Jul 9, 2019.

T+ 0:00
0.5 tablets oral MDMA
  T+ 1:30 2 bowls smoked Cannabis
  T+ 1:30 0.5 tablets oral MDMA
I enjoy my psychedelic drugs, though I do have a tendency to go overboard. So when dealing with a drug like MDMA, I might have overstretched my boundaries.

This was my second time taking MDMA. Before this incident, I had tried Salvia, DXM, Cocaine. I've been quite a pothead for the past two years. I had tried ecstacy once, but it was a pretty low dose (75 mg) and I had indulged in many other substances, so I didn't actually know what the effects of this drug were. And now on to the report.

T 0:00 - I took half a pill (approx. 110mg) of MDMA. Tasted like ass.
T 0:30 - Started to feel something, but played it off as a sort of placebo effect.
T 1:00 - Definite uplift in my mood. Started humming to songs. The happy feeling can be compared to a very, very clean DXM peak. Starting to understand why DXM is called a poor man's X.

T 1:30 - A couple of friends come over. We smoked two bowls each. (While people have disagreed with me, I'd say pot was a smart move since it helped me calm down quite a bit.) We started watching TV, but TV doesn't seem to interest me as much as the need to talk to other people. We started playing cards after a bit, though I couldn't seem to shut up.

T 1:30 - Took the other half of the pill. We all then decide to go to a friend's house party.
T 2:00 - Definite jaw clenching. I seemed to be on an energy overdose. Strike up conversations with random people. Can not seem to stop talking. Starting to sweat even though there was A/C.
T 3:00 - My friends started asking me suspicious questions, as they are unaware (except for my bestie). Sweating quite a bit. Alcohol doesn't interest me and neither do cigarettes. I'm not sure if I've had too much water or too little, but I feel the need to quench my thirst repeatedly.

T 4:00 - Can't seem to stand still, but I do feel the effects subsiding gradually. No appetite at all. Starting to feel scared and wanting to sit but my body doesn't want me to remain too idle.
Starting to feel scared and wanting to sit but my body doesn't want me to remain too idle.

T 5:00 - No longer at the peak, but the effects can still be felt. Starting to feel slightly exhausted.

T 5:30 - Back home. I seem to have strong closed-eye visuals. Climb into bed, but unable to go to sleep. In the dark, I can see various black figures swirling around. Convince myself that they are just hallucinations.

I'm not quite sure when I fell asleep. When I woke up, my jaw had tightened considerably. I couldn't open it completely for a while, and it hurt quite a bit to open my mouth.

It's been four months, and I'm still not sure of the repercussions of that trip. MDMA is most definitely enjoyable and I'm almost certain I'm going to use it on multiple occasions in the future. But the fear I felt when on the trip has definitely helped me in thinking twice before trying a new drug, especially a hard drug.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100877
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 568
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MDMA (3) : Combinations (3), Difficult Experiences (5), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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