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Learn from Experience, and Make Decisions
Citation:   Defgarden. "Learn from Experience, and Make Decisions: An Experience with Methamphetamine (exp10088)". Aug 16, 2004.

  smoked Methamphetamine
My experience isn't as frightening as some other reports. Mine may not be as dull as well. The things you must understand though is that they are not me, just as much as I am not them. And you are not me or them.

Last week I finally decided to try meth. I generally declined offers in the past because I am a skeptical person. I tried weed and liked it. It was comfortable with me and I knew the facts about it. Before I tried meth, I asked many questions to my friends that had experience with it. And while their experience will never equal what you can feel by trying it yourself, knowledge of the experienced is foolish to ignore.

So I tried it. I finally smoked some meth. I took one hit of some good quality glass. It wasn't a large hit, I didn't feel much at all. I took another and began to feel alert and awake, as I expected. I took more and more until I came to about 7 decent sized hits. I was sufficiently high by my standards. My thoughts were clear and precise, although it did slur my speech a bit. Mainly because my mind was going much too fast for my lips to put words to action. I stayed up all night, with my friends. We talked about a multitude of topics. I'll tell you straight out it was very fun. The comedown wasn't all I had heard it to be. At the same time though, this was good quality material. Something my friend told me was, 'As long as you have a strong enough mind and willpower to overcome any bad thoughts you may encounter, you should be fine.' That's exactly how the first time went.

The next time I did meth, was when my roomate bought some. The stuff he brought back was not what I expected. It looked like dirty crack rocks to me. Slightly brown in color and not in small crystals, but large rocks. We tried it anyway... All in all the main effects were the same. same dosage. The body high, or the rush were not nearly as potent, but I still had the mental clairvoyance. It opened many doors. The comedown off that was a bit harsher. I started to feel cravings for it long after the effects wore off. I also became slightly irritable and slightly depressed. I was very hungry, but could not eat. Anything I did eat upset my stomach.

The night after smoking the lesser quality stuff, it was very hard to sleep. I was extremley tired, and once my eyes were closed, they could not open again, but they were tearing immensely, and I started to get very disturbing and depressing thoughts about people I had hurt in the past, and people that had wronged me. The cravings were still there slightly. I am lucky not to had more intense cravings, and also to have the common sense and will power to walk away when I needed to.

last night I tried some 'glass' again. Pretty much the same effects as the first time, but I knew what to expect. Today, I saw myself in the mirror, with large bags under my eyes. I normally have them anyway, I guess just because of my glasses, and the fact that I wear them all the time, but the image scared me. I felt that I looked like a drug addict, even though I know it wasn't one at all.

Basically my message here is that A) Take meth for what it is. If you plan to try it, do it with people that you trust and feel comfortable with. And get the facts. Learn from people who have done it, and are still reasonable people. Fiends are not reasonable people. Learn from experience. and...B) Use common sense. When you try something, make judgement based on the complete package. Not just the positive. I am lucky not to have seen people OD on anything, or to associate myself with addicts.

Also, if you suffer from depression, I suggest you stay away from meth. Battle your inner demons first, learn who you are and what makes you happy. Take it from someone who had dealt with it. It takes a lot of strength to overcome. Use your common sense.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10088
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Aug 16, 2004Views: 10,355
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Methamphetamine (37) : Retrospective / Summary (11), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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