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Finding My God
Citation:   Cave Man. "Finding My God: An Experience with Cannabis (exp100902)". May 27, 2020.

  smoked Cannabis
I was on a vacation with my girlfriend in Finland. We were living with her cousins, so I felt somewhat detached from a social group as often conversations were held in Finnish, a lingo I do not excel at.

We went down to the sauna waiting for her cousin to arrive with her boyfriend. When they arrived, it did not take long until we started smoking. Using his bong, we took 0.2g and shared it among us four. All of us but her cousin being fairly experienced users, there was no specific preperation of any sort.

As time progressed, roughly 5 minutes, the apparent tugging of the mouth began, with a smile stretching across my face. The trigger is well known to me as that is what tells me that I am affected. We had long, irrelevant conversations that quickly lost their meaning, causing us to laugh for another 20 minutes. At this point we had not smoked all of the 0.2g so a joint was rolled and shared between us. 10 minutes after that we began to move. Now, it is important to note that this is deep in the countryside of Finland, so the sky was crystal clear (at around 11.30 PM) and the visibility was magnificient. It was at this point that I for the first time in my life could really see space. The sun had not really set, its light still lingering in the horizon, and I saw that light radiating on the moon, as if it was happening just a few meters in front of me. To the left of the moon I also saw what I assumed (and also found it strange) to be venus and mars. Here too, I could see the light shining on them and at this point, I had my first 3-dimensional view of space. The importance of this to me could be compared for example a christian for their first time seeing and feeling God. As an avid scientist, this was my God, my Ark, my Holy Grail.

The whole realisation lasted maybe 2-3 minutes, but nonetheless, the impact was considerable. When we reached the house, me and my girlfriend started watching a movie I cannot recall and finally fell asleep.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 100902
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: May 27, 2020Views: 549
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Cannabis (1) : Nature / Outdoors (23), General (1), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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