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Three Upside Down Pyramids
DMT & Cannabis
Citation:   SavagePsychonaut. "Three Upside Down Pyramids: An Experience with DMT & Cannabis (exp100941)". Oct 12, 2020.

2 hits smoked Cannabis  
  2 hits smoked DMT  
  20 mg oral Methadone (daily)
    repeated smoked Cannabis (daily)
    repeated smoked Tobacco - Cigarettes (daily)
I had been doing self-research and experimentation for roughly 15 years at this time in my life with psychedelic chemicals and concoctions. But I had only recently heard of Dimitri's unbelievable power and utter existence for that matter. Maybe only 2 years prior. Being informed the best I could for a substance of such intense potential, I decided that if I was chosen by Dimitri, then she would find me.

At this point in my life I had been addicted to opiates of all different colors and varieties, had been smoking weed for all but about 2 and a half years of my life since I was 12, because I was in the US Army. I joined because of a meth problem I developed around 20, but was not using anymore. I had plenty of experience with mescaline cacti, 25i (sold to me as LSD), DOx (also sold to me as LSD and wow), I had even grown my first couple indoor weed harvests and psilocybe cubensis flushes. I was smoking weed and cigarettes every day, as well as a small maintenance dose of methadone to prevent withdrawal from the opiate addiction.

I had recently began going back out into society and experiencing the world again since my 4 year opiate problem began. I had several old friends from my past resurface. I was also going through a break up with a girl that I really didn't want to be with anyways. Still disappointed with myself for my addiction and where I was at in my life, I knew that things were going to get better but I was still weary of the world and confused to say the least. Not sure how tripping with these kinds of life events works for most people, but I wanted to make a dramatic change with lasting results in my life.
I wanted to make a dramatic change with lasting results in my life.

So there I was sitting at home when the phone rang, it was the universe telling me that Dimitri wanted to introduce herself to me. My buddy D had acquired some orange, waxy small crystals and powder in a small ziplock baggie. It smelled like new shoes, or new rubber or something. He knew I was into psychedelics so he got a bunch when the opportunity showed itself. We decided to wait until the next evening so I could take a day to prepare myself for the mighty substance.

The next day I took my usual dose of 20 mg methadone in the morning around 10am. I smoked all day as usual, maybe a joint an hour plus a cigarette. Then I lounged around all day until I decided to go hang out with my buddy J. I told him about my plans and he decided to join. He knew a little about DMT but not much. We waited until we got the call from D to come over. I was so excited I could only eat a small piece of a sandwich all day. When we got to D'd house he showed us a couple pages from Rick Strassman's 'The Spirit Molecule' that he thought we should hear again before the journey. He selected some intense dubstep/electronica/trippy music to play during blast off, and told us one more time what to expect, how to react to the sensations safely, and basically wished us luck and happy times.

He loaded up the bowl with what he thought was an appropriate dose, I'd say it was somewhere around 100 mg give or take. We used his glass weed pipe with a big fat bowl of weed. I've since then dramatically altered my DMT smoking ritual as that is a tough way to effectively utilize all the DMT for me personally. I nervously hesitated for a good 30 minutes before I built up enough courage to take a hit, asking questions and preparing myself mentally. I got myself comfortable in the den with some blankets and pillows, turned the lights in that room off so the only light was leaking in from the living room and a few candles placed nicely through the room. I sat down on my nest by the warm cozy fireplace, nodded to J and D and smiled. It was time! I took a big, fat, looooong hit like Terence McKenna instructs, and held it in as long as possible. Maybe 30-45 seconds. The harsh smoke tasted like burnt plastic and smelled like death. We tried to vaporize as best as possible. I let it out and took another hit. This time we put a little more flame on it. Before I even let it out it hit me like BAM! I remembered Terence and wanted to 'Take the third toke!' But I was too overwhelmed by the sheer intensity. I told D, who held the pipe and lighter for me, 'Let me enjoy this bro, I'm good for now' and I laid back and closed my eyes before the visual vibrations tore the whole world into a million pieces. I heard J say to D, 'Wow, I've never seen anything do this to him!'

D, I think it was D, put some headphones with the music he selected into my ears while I laid on the floor on my nest. When he did that all the visuals and even the warm body sensations started 'dancing to the music'. I felt like I was physically moving at a high rate of speed up, away from earth. With my eyes closed it looked like I was moving through an underground tunnel with hieroglyphics and geometric patterns snaking around the walls, of all different colors imaginable. In the middle was the always changing, morphing, dancing, singing, multicolor, multishape, merry go round that I can only say must have been the chrysanthemum that McKenna describes. I was noticing how beautiful it all was when I noticed, no I 'sensed', never 'saw', a tall, gray, robot-alien-ant-lady standing behind me watching me as I laid there experiencing this.

Before I had a chance to communicate with her, she let me know she was DMT. She was alive. Then she thrust me beyond light speed into another 'place'. One of my earphones fell out but I was too scared/astonished to even think about trying to fix it or even care. I could hear my friends talking and joking about something so I just started explaining what I was seeing so they could remind me later in case I would forget due to intensity of experience and the nature of DMT. The new 'place' I was trying to explain to them with mere human words could do it no justice whatsoever, but I carried on. My spirit or center of consciousness was basically floating in a desert with 3 upside down pyramids floating on their points in front of me, each pyramid barely to the left of the one in front of it. Each block or stone that made these pyramids had a symbol of some kind inscribed onto it like a hieroglyphic. Some that I've seen on pictures of the pyramid writings, some on playing cards like spades and clubs, even some astrology symbols like mars and venus. Each stone was also moving toward the side of the pyramid, following the stone in front of it in snake like patterns, until it reached the side of the pyramid, then it would slide onto the next row and go the other way. Until it reached the top of the pyramid, then it moved to the bottom of the pyramid behind it. Confusing.

After maybe 20 minutes or 230 years, not sure, I opened my eyes and asked how long it had been. Only maybe 5 minutes! NO WAY! Everything still looked insanely beautiful, bright, and shiny. There were even shapes and jewels floating around the room and hanging in a grid about 3 feet down dangling off the ceiling. I was amazed at everything about this experience. I didn't know what to say except, 'I only have human words, that's not enough...' My buddy J was a very nervous after he saw how intense it was for me. I told him that he couldn't live his whole life and not experience that when it called out to us! Indeed, he agreed to proceed.

I will never forget the first time I smoked DMT. It showed me that you never know what life has in store for you next. It was such an intense experience it changed my outlook on myself and my invincibility
it changed my outlook on myself and my invincibility
. It destroyed me in a matter of seconds, a feat I didn't believe existed previously. I have taken many spiritual journeys since then and will take many more, but I will always respect the awesome power and keep my mind open to the teachings that these miraculous discoveries have for me. Safe Tripping and be careful! :)

Exp Year: 2012ExpID: 100941
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 28
Published: Oct 12, 2020Views: 576
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DMT (18) : Combinations (3), First Times (2), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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