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Perma-fried from LSD
Citation:   anonymous. "Perma-fried from LSD: An Experience with LSD (exp10101)". May 8, 2002.

Over the course of about a 8 months, a good friend and I consumed acid in the masses. On average we would trip about 4 times a week, initially only doing one of two hits at a time. But I was always pushing my limits. eventually I was dropping up to 8 hits at a time.

I began to notice that I was 'perma-fried' as I call it, and that I was occasionally getting flashbacks that were intense enough to make me decide against continuing my use of lsd. My memory had also been damaged. eg. if I was to look at a page number in a magazine, close it, and then try and return to that page a few minutes later, I would have almost always forgotten it. Also my arithmatic ability, which has always been rather good has plummeted. I lose track of where i am in an equation.

It is now over a year later and I still get flashbacks, although they seem to be decreasing in freqeuency. I'm still perma-fried but my ability to remember things such as numbers and peoples names is begining to get better. Also i'm getting better at math again.

I don't regret doing acid as I feel I learned a lot about the way the world is while under the influence. However I don't think that i'll do it again as i'm 18 and will need all the memory and math skills I can get to be able to get thru my education that I plan on resuming soon.

To those in the same predicament as me, bear with it and things will gradually return to normal, if not close to.

Exp Year: 2001ExpID: 10101
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: May 8, 2002Views: 59,272
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LSD (2) : Not Applicable (38), Post Trip Problems (8), Health Problems (27)

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