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Three Eyed Man
by KR
Citation:   KR. "Three Eyed Man: An Experience with LSD & DMT (exp101061)". Jul 2, 2019.

4 tablets oral LSD (blotter / tab)
    smoked DMT  
It was a summer morning at home, I woke up early and on impulse I said it why not to 4 hits of a strip I had in my drawer. I had just started getting into all psychedelics. I had acid, mushrooms, and dmt, all just bought that week. Early on the acid trip, I had a thought of dmt while already tripping significantly. But it wasn't a serious notion. Then I realized I had to meet my sister and her family for lunch but they already knew what I was into so I didn't get paranoia from getting caught.

After lunch and with my sisters boy friend waiting for her to get back from wherever, things were awkward and I was coming down after 8 hours and asked if he wanted to partake in the dmt. He said yes. ***Important to know I had never fully blasted off on dmt and wasn't ready for a 12 minute other wordly experience.*** After hitting the ridiculously over packed bowl I immediately heard the normal loud sound ringing in my heard that I HA heard before but never got past. I was there. At last. In a futuristic all white room will white beams shorting horizontally along the walls. Infront of me was a three eyed, green being who hovered a box of flashing images above his hand. I always dreamed of talking to a being or a god and I finally met one. But he wasn't talking. I quickly realized the flashing images where memories in chronological order in which they happened. It amazing, I was disappointed that there was no guidance or back and forth with the three eyed man. I also waned for advice from a 'being' on a trip. I felt I needed it. Then the images stopped on one in particular, it stopped on me working cashier at the noodles shop. I focused on the image and then felt as if I was there in front of the register but I wasn't me because I was looking at me behind the counter, and walked up to Me. Then the me behind the counter said something ill never forget as long as a live, and I actually have lived by these words since. I, dressed up working a terrible job during a depressing point in my life, said, 'Everything I did, and I did it right.' It left me in awe and shot me back to the futuristic room with the three eyed man. The man just looked at me and we had this connection without language. I felt at peace and ready to die, even though I'm still at a rather young age.

The come down was extensive because of the LSD. For the next 4 hours I tripped the hardest I've ever tripped on acid. My trip was coming down prior to dmt but seemed to have been reaccelerated by it. The rest of the LSD is an indescribable mystical experience that I can't even fathom to put in words. This mortal life is meant to prepare for what is to come after and dmt is a sneak peak into what to expect. Someone once said if everyone knew the after life was like this everyone would be killing themselves as soon as they found out.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101061
Gender: Not Specified 
Age at time of experience: Not Given
Published: Jul 2, 2019Views: 938
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LSD (2), DMT (18) : Unknown Context (20), Entities / Beings (37), Mystical Experiences (9), Combinations (3)

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