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The High and Come Down
Citation:   Jecca. "The High and Come Down: An Experience with MDMA (exp101063)". May 14, 2018.

200 mg   5-Methoxymethylone (powder / crystals)
It starts with a numbness in my arms and face then travels to my eyes. I keep me eyes closed rocking back and forth with a blanket shoved in my mouth. My vision shakes rapidly from side to side and I clench my teeth. I sway my head side to side and smile because it feels so amazing. I have no sense of time or my surroundings. I am with friends one high two sober. I tell the sober girl that she is annoying and her eye brows are ugly. She leaves. I run around my house because I think I am as fast a flash. I return to the couch and apologize to the sober boy for being such a bad host. I do this repeatedly. I confessed that I am bi. I tell everyone that I love them. The other high girl cries because her at died that day. I hug her. The sober boy is her bf and holds her. I text my brother about how he doesn't love me and he is my entire world. He tells me he loves me and I will be okay. I bawl my eyes out. I tell my high friend that the sober girl and her are getting really close and I am jealous and I love her and miss her. She is jealous of my new friend and loves me. We are best friends. I make the sober boy sad by talking about loss and his dead father. I am tired but can't sleep. For a week after I feel nauseated. I feel tired. I feel sad. But not depressed like usual. While high I bit two pieces off my tongue and three off my cheek I cut my lip open cut my toe and pinched myself so much that my fingers burned my skin. I love Molly. She is my main bitch.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101063
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 14
Published: May 14, 2018Views: 804
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MDMA (3) : General (1), Depression (15), Hangover / Days After (46), Relationships (44), Small Group (2-9) (17)

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