Running a 5K Race
Citation:   jack straw. "Running a 5K Race: An Experience with LSD (exp101139)". Jan 23, 2021.

T+ 0:00
0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 0:00   smoked Cannabis  
  T+ 0:45 0.5 hits oral LSD (blotter / tab)
  T+ 1:20   smoked Cannabis  
Running a 5K Race on LSD

A good friend of mine had an LSD hookup that had some pretty amazing tabs. I've done my fair share of good LSD, mushrooms, mescaline etc. and these white on white papers blew my mind. Some of the purest L I've ever had the pleasure of tripping on. It's such a beautiful clean trip. I had one more tab left after having tripped on the rest I bought a few nights ago. Just one tab of this LSD was enough to have an exceptionally strong trip. My friend and his girl each took only half of a hit and both of them still tripped harder than they had on any other L.

Anyways, I was at the local pub playing my guitar like I usually do on Friday nights. I wasn't really expecting to trip. However, when I got there and played my set and socialized with some people I started getting really good vibes and decided I may as well drop some LSD! I went to the bathroom, and dropped half of the 1 hit on my tongue, I didn't take the full hit at first, because I thought my friend might want the other half. felt that tingly electric feeling as the LSD entered my bloodstream. I then walked back to parking lot to hang out and smoke some weed with friends. This happened around 12:00 am.

After I dropped my uncle off at home, I decided I should head to this free Trance music festival downtown. There were some pretty good psy-trance Dj's there and I thought I might as well meet some people down there and rave all night on acid! About 20 minutes after dropping I could already feel slight waves of euphoric energy rushing through my body. There's nothing like the feeling of good clean lucy. Around the same time I reached the venue the cops had already shown up and were busting up the party. I guess the venue wasn't legit. But no worries, I met this cool dude who gave me the address to an afterparty rave. It didn't start til 1 am though, so I went home, having about 35 minutes to kill.

The lucy was bringing me higher and higher. I sat down at my computer and put on some Hendrix. Always good acid tripping music. The music flowed through my head in waves. I looked at my Facebook messages, and saw a message from my current potential other. We had a strange connection. I used to be in a relationship with her and I guess I kinda still am. We've been hanging out again recently. She asked me if I wanted to chill and I invited her to the afterparty with me. She was down. I saved the other half of that hit for her in case she wanted it.

At about 12:45 Taurus (we'll call her that) arrived at my house. She was really tired and just wanted to get drunk. She didn't want that other half so I dropped it. We drove to the party and it was actually pretty dead. We also saw a few cops rolling around. By this time I was starting to trip and with Taurus being tired, we decided we'd both probably be better off just relaxing at my house.

1:20 We're back at my apartment complex sitting in the parking lot. Taurus is asleep so I let her be for a while and don't disturb her. The L is coming on strong. All of the numbers on the speedometer wiggle and jump up and down. Blue rays descend gently from each streetlight. A Live Grateful Dead disk is in my CD player and my mind starts to zone out. I'm in such a beautiful head space. I sit and listen to at least 3 live jams before waking Taurus for a hit of weed and walking her inside. The lyrics and Jerry's guitar solos speak deeply to my soul.

Back in my apartment. It's about 2:00. I make the softest bed I can for Taurus. I'm starting to feel deep appreciation for her and am doing whatever I can to make her feel comfortable. She's hungry so I make her an English muffin and some Macaroni Cheese. Haha, That was interesting. Wandering around my kitchen in an intense LSD mind state, I discover the bottle of orange juice in my fridge. I down the whole thing. Vitamin C is good for your brain. That's when my trip really kicked into gear.

Around 3:00 now. Every time I feel like I'm peaking, I get higher. I think the orange juice made all the difference. Taurus is sleeping gently next to my. Grateful Dead Radio is on on Sirius XM. They are playing a show from 4/29/71. It's absolutely beautiful. I get lost in the music, lay next to Taurus, and close my eyes, letting it carry me away. I loose all sense of time and space, there are times where I feel like I'm literally at the show, hearing people in the crowd talk about the band and whatnot. I turn the lights off and beautiful visuals overwhelm me. Blue LED sparkling lights and geometric patterns crawl around my walls. My imagination conjures up crazy random images in my brain. Each thought I think echoes in eternity. Complete unity. I feel at one with the entire universe, Every star, every nebula, every being. The Dead play every perfect song for every exact perfect moment. I listen to the entire show... When it's over I sit up, feeling as if I've just traveled across the cosmos in the past couple hours.

I don't know what time it is. The sun is getting close to rising, rays of light shine through the cracks in the blinds. Damn, I could really use some ganja right now. I wake up Taurus to ask her if I can smoke a bowl of her weed. She says yes. Damn I love this chick. I pack up a bowl and go sit on the front porch to think about what I just experienced. It's getting lighter and I'm still tripping hard.

I sit by the pond by my house as I smoke a fat bowl of high grade medical weed. Ducks gather around me, looking at me curiously. Soon I have a whole flock of ducks chilling around me. Weird. I finish the bowl. I'm stoned now. And still tripping. Not peaking anymore but definitely still tripping. My body feels like it's melting into the nature around me. The willow trees look like giant furry creature moving towards the water. I feel totally unity with the life force of the pond. The water, the plants, the ducks, fish, trees.. they all feel just as part of me as an arm or a leg. That's my best attempt to describe the feeling I felt.

The sun begins to rise and the entire pond begins to wake up. Ducks and Geese are singing their morning songs. I take out my acoustic guitar and sing to the sun as it rises. I decide I should go out for a walk in the sunrise. I put on my shades and head out. There is this beautiful patch of nature by my house. Trees and tall plants everywhere, it looks almost like African grasslands, and I spend a lot of time alone there meditating in nature. However, when I arrive at my spot, I am in for a surprise. People. Everywhere. So many people. They're wearing running gear and numbers. Bulldozers have torn trails in my beautiful patch of nature and vendor stands are set up everywhere. A DJ stands blasting annoying pop music on speakers. I go up to one of the event officials. 'What's going on here?' I ask him. His face morphs almost like in fear and loathing as he turns to me. 'Mud run.' He responds. 'Is that like a 5k or something?' 'Yeah.' 'Well, where do I sign up?' I ask. If these fuckers are tearing up this beautiful patch of land, I'm going to at least beat them at their own game. 'Over at the white tent.' The man says, pointing to a white booth set up across the field.

Determined to win this 5k, for whatever reason. I approach the registration tent. There's a $70 sign up fee. Fuck that. I'll just enter the race by my own means. I'm gonna need lots of water, and some chewing gum. I put on my running shorts and sunglasses, tie my dreads up in a rag, and jog to the local gas station to buy water and gum. Mind you, I'm still frying on acid at this point. I haven't run a 5k or any race in over a year.
I haven't run a 5k or any race in over a year.

I warm up and stretch a little. As I approach the start line, they're already getting ready to start the next heat. Perfect timing. I find a place near the finish line behind all the runners and crouch in the tall grass. I know this forest very well, and it will provide me the energy I need to run this race. The gun goes off, and I sprint out from the grass passing most of the runners within the first stretch. I feel like I have massive amounts of energy. Power surges through my body as it moved like a lean beast through the crowd of runners. Colorful visuals still flood my vision, The sun rays beam down in different colors. The adrenaline of the start of the race propels me forward. I soon pass the leader and am at the front of the pack.

As the race progressed on I kept my energy going. The trees and the grass all spoke to me and gave my body energy to help me keep going. I felt like a tiger chasing its prey. The race course was a mud obstacle course. I had to climb ropes, jump over hurdles, through tires, climb muddy hills, wade through swamps, balance on beams, jump over ditches, slide down a mudslide and various other obstacles.

I got sprayed by water from a bystander and it was one of the most energizing things that could have happened. I surged ahead. There was one musclebound bodybuilder-looking dude who was gaining on me. He looked well trained but I was determined to not let him pass me. I kept him at a reasonable distance behind me. On the final stretch I gave it my all, not knowing how far behind my opponent was. As soon as I crossed the finish line, covered from head to toe in mud and vomit, I collapsed, dry heaved several times, and projectile vomited twice. I won the race through. 19:30 was my time. 1st place. On LSD. Woah. This is an experience I will never forget. The feeling of having just WON a 5k race, and crossing the finish line while tripping on acid is completely fucking awesome. I'd never won a 5k in my life until that day. I felt like a beast. I felt like I could do anything. It was amazing. Dangerous? maybe. I definitely do not recommend it to anyone. I survived though and I don't regret a second of it. I'll remember this trip for the rest of my life that's for sure. Just keep truckin. Beautiful stuff man. Be here now.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101139
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 19
Published: Jan 23, 2021Views: 606
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