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Relaxing Hyper
by VTY
Citation:   VTY. "Relaxing Hyper: An Experience with Kratom (exp101177)". Aug 22, 2018.

  repeated oral Kratom
-After having tried Kratom for my first time from a head shop, I liked it & decided to buy some from a vender online for the cheaper price & better quality.

-My Kratom arrived, & I proceded to take it daily for the next several days until it was gone.

-In this report I'll give an overview of the effects of Kratom on myself, as the effects are relatively simple & consistent.

-I take Kratom on an empty stomach, & use the 'toss-&-wash' method of just mixing it with water & chugging it. The flavor is very bitter, but I consider liquor shots & kava kava as worse tasting.

-I'll note that the only experience I've had with opiates before was roughly half a pill of oxycontin, so I'm not sure how Kratom compares to an opiate high, as I've heard it is similar to a mild opiate high.


-On low doses of Kratom, I get hyper, as if I had alot of caffiene, except without the negative effects such as jitters & restlessness. It's not really euphoric like the higher doses, but still pleasant.

-On high doses, I get really relaxed, physical pains go away, I feel sweaty/warm, & when I move around it kind of feels similar to being buzzed on alcohol (but none of the other effects of alcohol). I really enjoy just doing stuff on my computer on a high or medium dose.

-The medium dose is interesting, because I am hyper & relaxed at the same time. It's my favorite because it has the best of both the low dose, & the high dose. If I am moving around I am hyper, but when I sit down I am relaxed. The medium dose is also harder to target.

-I'll also note that it seems like once I already dosed on any given day, I can't really get the effects if I re-dose.


-Many people claim to get hangovers from Kratom, including both my brothers, but I never got one. For me, it's a very clean high.

-I ran-out of my Kratom that I bought online after several days of use, but I didn't get any withdrawal effects or cravings from that experience.

-I like Kratom, & I really hope that it stays legal, because in my experience it's not dangerous at all, & relatively mild.

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101177
Gender: Male 
Age at time of experience: 18
Published: Aug 22, 2018Views: 973
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Kratom (203) : General (1), Retrospective / Summary (11), Hangover / Days After (46), Multi-Day Experience (13), Not Applicable (38)

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