Subtle, Gentle
Citation:   Candi. "Subtle, Gentle: An Experience with Cannabis (exp101202)". Jul 9, 2019.

1 cig. smoked Cannabis
Subtle, Gentle First High Experience

I’ve smoked weed before, but I never really felt anything until last Wednesday.

The first time I smoked was when I brought home a little souvenir from a coffeeshop (I’m from Amsterdam). I had my expectations, which made me very nervous. I only took about four tokes because I didn’t like how it tasted. My heart was beating really fast, my mouth got really dry, I got really cold and my body was shaking. But I didn’t feel like I was high.

The second time I smoked was on Queen’s Day and I was drunk. A friend had the joint and I took a toke or two. Again, I didn’t feel anything. Another friend told me that my eyes were really red and tiny. She even asked: “Are you sure you don’t feel anything?”. Yup.
“Are you sure you don’t feel anything?”. Yup.

My curiosity wasn’t satisfied…so last Wednesday I decided that I was going to smoke a whole joint by myself. I went to the only coffeeshop I’m familiar with, purchased a pure indica pre-rolled joint and went home.

My room was a little messy; bags of clothing everywhere because I went shopping the day before. I put those away and lighted up.

If I’m not mistaken I took two to three tokes and then put the joint down to see what happens. It didn’t take much before I felt it. I felt how my brains cooled off.
It didn’t take much before I felt it. I felt how my brains cooled off.
Like, under my skull my brains got cooler. I remember I was standing in front of my desk, searching for music on my laptop and I suddenly got this feeling like I really wanted to sit down. So I did.

After 20 minutes or so I stood up, took a few more tokes and decided that I was going to do some homework. The music in the background didn’t sound any different, but it was harder to sing along with the songs. Even though I knew the lyrics, it took a little more focus to actually sing. Like my mouth wasn’t automatically doing what I wanted to do.

I also had a little trouble typing and searching for stuff on the internet. I wanted to search for something specific, but ended up somewhere else and then I would ask myself: “WTF? What am I doing here?”. I found this quite annoying.

After a while of doing my homework and smoking, I felt my eyes getting heavy. It felt like I had squinty eyes, but when I looked in the mirror I looked normal.

Halfway the joint I started coughing. My mouth was slightly open and my eyes felt heavier, but I had no trouble keeping them open. I also felt like I was staring at my laptop, but I’m not sure of this.

I had dinner, finished the joint, ate popcorn and at some point I fell asleep. At around midnight I woke up and called my mum on Skype (totally forgot). She told me that she couldn't understand a thing I was saying and that I should go back to sleep because I looked tired. Little did she know...

Exp Year: 2013ExpID: 101202
Gender: Female 
Age at time of experience: 21
Published: Jul 9, 2019Views: 647
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Cannabis (1) : First Times (2), General (1), Alone (16)

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